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Posts posted by Steve-O

  1. These are the results from Wrestlemania 21, from the sold out staples Center in Los Angeles, California

    Rey Mysterio defeated Eddie Guerrero

    Edge won the Money In The Bank Ladder Match

    Hulk Hogan confronted Muhammed Hassan

    Undertaker defeated Randy Orton

    Trish Stratus defeated Christy Hemme to retain the women's championship

    Kurt Angle defeated Shawn Michaels by submission

    Akebono defeated Big Show in a sumo match by ring out

    John Cena defeated JBL to become the new WWE champion

    Dave Batista defeated HHH to become the new World Heavyweight Champion


    The JBL vs Cena match wasn't a very strong match. Cena wins with just the FU. A bit short for a WWE title match.

    Chris Benoit might be out for a while. Edge may have seen tothat. Edge hit Benoit in the already injured elbow with a steel chair, causering him to fall off a ladder and land on that same elbow.

    Hogan posed for wayyyyyy too long in the ring. That could easily have been halved and given to Cena vs JBL.

    the counter that Orton used to get out of the chokeslam was amazing.

  2. I hate nature. It's bad enough that they had a tsunami that devastated their way of life to a point that it can never again be what it was, but now this? Earth rubbing salt into the wounds of an already devastated region.

  3. new update - from www.lordsofpain.net

    There is a rumor going around backstage that at a recent house show, Edge's rental car tires were slashed. Although no one is blaming Matt Hardy or even insinuating he's happy about what happened, it is possible that a Hardy fan saw Edge driving the car and decided to do something in retalliation for the Lita situation.

    Edge and Lita are doing their best to downplay their relationship backstage, which is helping to avoid animosity, but wrestlers still strongly support Hardy. One wrestler said, Edge broke up a tight, serious relationship. Edge and Matt were good friends. Theyre all in the business. Even in the regular world you dont do that. Youd have to give it a year or two minimum before moving in on a friends ex after they break up, but you dont move in a friends current girlfriend.

  4. right. well it's 9 days to go so I'll get my predictions for matches sorted.

    DAVE vs HHH for the big belt - well I'll go with DAVE.

    Reason: I have become a wrestling mark recently. DAVE is stupidly over with the fans. WWE realizes this and to be honest, their PPV buyrate has gone down baaaaaad. so step 1 to sort this is take that belt off HHH and KEEP it that way. plus it's DAVE. DAVE SMASH!

    Cena Vs JBL for the other big belt - as much as I would like it to be Cena, I think JBL will somehow retain. Slippery bastard, seems to be unbeatable.

    HBK/Angle - Now this one has the potential to steal the show. Putting money on either would be stupid. But I'm not betting, I'm just predicting. I predict that Michaels will take it, however both men will end up bloodied and Michales somehow steals it.

    Ladder MAtch - I so want Y2J to take this, he's been treated like shit since dropping the Undisputed title three years ago. But the same could be said for Kane. A poor feud with a sloppy worker (Snitsky) and a baaaad story with Amy "I'll sleep with whoever's around" Dumbass (Lita) hasn't helped Kane out at all. He's easily as good as Taker and a better sportsman. see, while Mark refuses to job, Glenn will job if it'll help out another guy's credibility. However since Jericho has the advantage of ladder match experience I'm gonna give him the match

    Eddie vs Rey - now this one could be excellent. the Tag champs facing offski. Both men would benefit from this match, however I'm gonna give it to Rey because a win over Eddie would put him where WWE wants him. They want him out of the cruiserweight division and into contention for the other belts. a win over a former champion on a stage as grand as mania would no doubt do that.

    Trish vs Christy for the ladybelt - Trish. Christy is not a wrestler.

    Taker vs Orton - Taker to go over Orton to make it 13-0.

    Big Show vs Akebono - I don't care.

    if I have missed any I apologize

    if London vs Chavo goes ahead I pick London. he deserves it.

  5. speaking of backstage antics, Randy Orton is apparently not flavour of the month back there.

    Apparently his ego is as big as his character.

    From what I have heard it has made the bookers change everything at mania.

    Apparently he was supposed to go over Taker Now he's pissed everyone off with his backstage antics so he might be jobbing like everyone else Taker's faced at mania.

    To be honest that match didn't do much for me anyway.

    matches in order of how much I care

    DAVE vs HHH

    Ladder MAtch

    Michaels vs Angle

    Eddie Vs Rey

    Christy Vs Trish

    Cena Vs Jibble

    Taker Vs Orton

    Show Vs Akebono

    Predictions in another thread

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