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Jim Stax

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Posts posted by Jim Stax

  1. Yup


    when? where?


    (sorry if is it bad etiquitte to make this thread before anyone involved does' date=' but i just saw the name mentioned in "dr drakes"' signature and got all excited)[/quote']

    Confirmed! Little while away yet and it's goin to be special. All will be announced soon(ish)

    As they say "a teaser".



  2. Well

    Got my money ready! I'm off into town soon to buy my Jackass back collection. Thrown out all my eating implements and most of my three syllable words. Oh, and my ability for a reasoned debate.


    At the next PV-H gig I am going to throw myself beneath their stamping feet in an act of self sacrifice for all those unspoken and unheard lovers of 'real' music, that rarely get a chance to speak for themsleves...

    Decisions... In the mean time where's my Jamie Cullim cd? Coz it's ace like min!


  3. If this is one of aberdeens better "thinking" bands' date=' I think that is a sad indictment of the quality of bands here. Or perhaps, of the audience for this kind of stuff.

    The only native band I've heard through this website, that I actually thought deserved to be called "thinking", is the simon gall band, that and philip johnstons solo efforts. You know...something that exudes some sort of finesse, rather than IM A CAVEMAN IM A CAVEMAN HEAR ME ROARRRRRRRRRRRRR lowest common denominator childish noise that simply sounds like frustration more than anything else.[/quote']

    Aye...okay... whatever... I mean obviously P V-H have never been inspred by anything of worth and have tucked themselves away without ever listening to the music 'they' want to listen to. Yer right! They are shit and I will now throw out all my records that made me want to play music! (Pssst... I get it. Sssssh)

    And Simon and Phil will be the first to commend folk for doin what they want to do even if they don't like it... I will add no more because I have now lowered myself to a silly argument that I vowed never to do... Time for sleep and dream of a world where we all like one music.... aaaaah the bliss... fields of flowers with gentle breezes and birds chirping... Summer all year long...........ZZZZZZzzzzz


    Don't mistake thinking for chord progressions. I too think what Simon and Phil etc do is rather good! Ooooh look... I like more than one kind of music... Best go stick my head up my arse, again!


  4. Well I never

    this really didn't do anything for me' date=' think I'd need to be under 18 and pissed out of my brain to glean any sort of pleasure from it. To be honest, it just conjures up the image of a classroom full of downs-syndrome kids having simultaneous epilleptic fits, and, once the tune finishes, smearing themselves with their own excrement while grinning wildly, waiting for the teacher to give them a gold star.

    2/10, 1 point for having the mental capacity to co-ordinate picking up your instruments and playing at the same time, and a 2nd point for sounding marginally less monotonous than my washing machine.[/quote']

    I'm touching 40, have a big forehead cause I'm bald and grin alot cause I farted and didn't let on it was me, and think that PV-H are one of Aberdeens better 'thinking' bands! I did see them this once and thought it would be great if they plugged in a washing machine for the third tune. Fucking odd coincidence huh!

    I'm also sure a clssroom full of "downs-syndrome kids" know what they fucking like!

    10/10 for listening to music outside the box!

    Jim (not in Drakes anymore) :rockon:

  5. havent been in the loop for a while' date=' in fact havent even been to the tunnels yet. so could anyone (chilli?) drop some knowledge of any upcoming ultra hip leftfield musical alumni that are soon to be gracing the aforementioned venue ? planning on lifting the self imposed hermit status and getting to a few gigs in the next couple of months....[/quote']

    Look out for any posters that have either DRAKES PRODUCTIONS or INTERESTING MUSIC on them. If you want leftfield then go to 'any' of the gigs under these banners. There are many others that I haven't mentioned, sorry.

    SHIFT should be attended by all! A mini alternative music, art and multi media fest in the heart of the city for nowt ! Have to pay for the booze that will be sold though!

    To all... If you like music then it is your duty to attend!


  6. Your songs had better make it......I'd be a very poor substitute' date=' and would need a haircut, too! I especially want to hear the one about being in love with the chorus!!! (love the dangerous silences in it!!!) :kiss:[/quote']

    Just heard from the Songs legal rep! They will all be in attendance with some nice surprises. I think they are taking a song that was in the next cell! Someone pitched in for the bail... Threatening silence will be louder and more threatening than before!!! Simply because we will be hoping to come in on the same count...


  7. My boys doing his degree at Glasgow school of art' date=' he did great at art at school but got so much grief from people (not me) you know the whole "what will you do with an art degree" shit, so he did psychology at cally for a year....almost had a nervous breakdown and left, he then financed himself through a six month portfolio course at the tramway and got into Glasgow at the interview....he's currently in LA on a student exchange...how fucking cool is that?[/quote']

    Pretty damn cool!


  8. You are Lumpo-Tempo' date=' as opposed to my brother, Lumpo-Basso.

    Your job description will be outlined in your SIDCA corporate induction pack, which will be forthcoming (you think I'm joking......). Main duties anticipated to include hitting things with sticks, hard as you like. Membership of Team-Sidca entitles you to rant in a tangential, steam-of-consciousness fashion on any matter that tickles yer whatnot, on public forums, bathroom walls or peoples foreheads. You may also dance in a vulgar fashion when people least expect it. After your 4 week induction training programme is complete, you will be allowed to experiment with fire.[/quote']


    My life will soon be complete apart from the sexual experimentation that I keep putting off! :devil:

  9. No Le Reno Amps' date=' but Scott's making a good recovery already.

    Can I be Kathryn Sawers for the night?[/quote']

    Is that be or do?


    Just found out that none of our songs can make it! Arrested for suspected terrorist behaviour or something, they only got one phone call and I couldn't hear for the bloody drums!

    See what we can do though... Roof raising singalongadingdong perhaps... Maybe Alan can pretend he is us! But incase of emergency's we keep a little packet of 'INSTANT SONG MIX' handy. Just add alchohol!

  10. And... MTV may well have been in town as the set up was supposed to begin at 9am yesterday. Not to mention that the entire venue was to have been stripped of anything looking like the Tunnels: They were giving up two nights for this, extending the stage etc etc etc. Repeat next week? I wonder if this is anything close to a pain in the arse for the productiuon company, venue, staff and punters? Who foots the bill, The Zutons?

    But shit happens!


  11. Posters

    Major bombarding of the city needed when they are ready... Flyers too! Easily the first and best Alternative music Mini Fest Aberdeen has ever had! Long may it continue! And I believe there are some good visuals being added to this!

    I mean, touched by the hands of Drakes and Interesting Music! Hardly gonna be shite is it. (Would pat self on back if I had booked at least one of the bands but I will know doubt be running around on the day looking for musicians and gaffer tape, whilst you all bask in the wonder of the event. Bring it on, I need something to manage! hehehehe)


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