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Posts posted by Gumpy

  1. Are those "trendy" jeans the Easy Fit ones from Gap? I was looking at them today. They will be rejected if they are not at least as AS tight as Neil Ex's

    boot cut actually ;)

    i wasnt the one who claimed to be trendy guys, that was all their doing. Its more to do with wearing all black on a summers day as I was quoted in the actually article.

    They also made me pose that way...god knows why cause nobody else had to!


  2. yea? what about their duty to protect those protesting? the police are there to keep order not escalate situations and they have every responsibility to ensure safe protest which means only using force when necessary and as a last resort' date=' not as a pre-emptive tactic.

    how would you like it if a moderator came round your house and smacked you in the mouth to pre-empt you posting something inflammatory on here?

    edit: i really really am not anti-police, i think being a policeman/woman is probably one of the hardest jobs anyone can do and those who are good at it deserve our utmost respect but i just don't think it's as cut and dry as using force to keep the general public safe.[/quote']

    protesters are there under their own accord and if they get so caught up in it i think its their own fault

  3. 1. If you had a tail what colour would it be?

    2. If someone offered you the power to read peoples minds' date=' would you take it and why?

    3. Should I get a snake for my new flat that I haven't yet got?

    4. Why is everything so dreary just now? Is it just me or is anyone else feeling it...

    Replies on a postcard please.[/quote']

    1.red and black

    2.yes...I would, to read womens minds and finally figure out what the mean, what they think...and what they want.

    3.yes snakes scare people...but make sure you have enough money for a cage and stuff.

    4.no...im fine...see a doctor

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