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Posts posted by allstardawn

  1. Driving instructors

    Looking for a bit of advice in driving instructors preferably in aberdeen. I used to learn to drive with an instructor in Ellon and did so for well over a year, but I never did pass my test in the end (despite having spent hundreds of pounds on lessons, but that's another story). I don't really care about the cost as long's they're half decent and I can pass second time.

    So, any recommendations? My theory runs out in July and I can't be bothered paying anothr 40 to re-do it, so I'd like to have passed by summer.

  2. not ebay. they tend to conveniently NOT tell you the phone doesn't actually function. i've had about three phones. the first came and it was battered. the second came and it wouldn't switch on even though it was fully charged (funnily enough the seller disappeared off the face of the earth) and the third i lost on a bus.. it was ebay's fault. really.

  3. i'm assuming you are aware of this but if they are running business using a residential line they are in breach of their BT contract so tell them to fuck themselves with an iron fence

    actually, it's no longer a breach of the contract since.. march i think? but yeah, it was pretty amusing before hand

    "yeah, it'll be fixed on thursday"

    whiney customer: "but i run a business on this line"

    "oh. you're a residential customer. you DO reaalise this is a breach of your contract, don't you

    WC: *mumble mumble* okay, just get it fixed as soon as you can


  4. i sit on my arse for six hours a day and answer calls and listen to people's sob stories about how they need their phone line fixed RIGHT THIS SECOND because they run a business from home/they need to keep in touch with relative in america (it's always america. ALWAYS)/they have no arms or legs

    get bent.

  5. ..well, no. it hasn't really. but that isn't the point. ANYHOO.

    what does the 'influence' and 'reputation' options mean? is it Scene Points II?

    (i haven't been on in six months as i've been hibernating and i have no knowledge of what is going on)

  6. i have 30 minutes left of my lunchbreak and i am desperately seeking something exciting to do before returning to the depressing bt building. preferably something that doesn' involve spending money

    i'm so bored i even posted a thread on here. gah.

  7. * under eighteeen at the tim. nearly nineteen now and still haven't passed. my car just sits there gathering dust. still. it's pretty.

    yeah i've been of no help. but insurance costs are expensive unless you go under third party which i did, and then it works out considerably cheaper. natch

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