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Posts posted by Stuart

  1. Cool publicity stunt. I was speaking to a customer today and he said she also did this after her last record deal. Made him buy her last album and this one' date=' i think i'm going to run away with the other 'Terror guys for a few years.[/quote']

    Aye, the girl hates fame, very much.

  2. Shite.... I got all excited about this then realised it's the same night as Four Tet / Explosions in the Sky in Glasgow.....

    Anyone got a Tardis I can borrow?

    Ooh, I listen to Explosions in the Sky almost every night when I go to bed. Where is it they're playing in Glasgow?

  3. I don't think 11 is too much. Infact, considering they (well, Amanda Palmer anyway) are coming over from America, only for 3 shows, I probably wouldn't mind anything up to 15. I guess you have a point about how it may put people off if they aren't huge fans, but there is no doubt that they are (as previously said) one of the coolest bands in the game, with real thought and care put into every song/performance and with a very good grasp on the theories and techniques they employ as artists (read up on Bertolt Brecht). This is a very hard working band, i'd be enclined to go as far as to say 'cutting edge' in what they do (as in there aren't many accessible bands in a style based on the 1920's/30 burlesque/cabaret scene, most notably in Germany, although this 'scene' was widespread...) and above all they are fantastic songwriters. A band like this doesn't come to our sleepy little fishing town often, and although it is the week I am infact moving to Glasgow, I am delighted they are playing in Aberdeen, no matter how high the booking agent has set the ticket prices.

    Why on earth am I awake this early.

  4. Death Sex by The Distillers, from about 4.30 - 9 minutes there are heaps of weird noises and voices behind all the feedback, and I'm convinced there is someone screaming 'Die!' and you hear the wailing of someone getting butchered to death, then a spine chilling laugh from Brody. It's pretty weird. The lyrics to the song printed in the booklet is about 'a bloody knife' and that kinda jazz, yet these lyrics don't appear at any point in the song. The whole thing is a bit strange, 1.30 of song then 10 minutes or so of feedback with the weird noises behind it. I'm sure it would make sense played backwards.

  5. I've had the good fortune of seeing almost all of my favourite bands at one point or another. I've yet to see Goldfrapp, but will be doing so in October. I have to see Pretty Girls Make Graves at some point though. I'd love to see Death Cab too. And if I could see Placebo again I'd be a happy man.

    I can't think of local bands I haven't seen. New Dedalus will be nice I imagine.

  6. I would love to say "No, I'd never forgive her, the cheating whore!" but as proved in the past, this never seems to be the case. It depends how strongly I feel about the girl, I guess. Also on how guilty she feels. If she came clean to me and was like "listen, I did a really stupid thing, I'm so sorry etc etc" I probably would forgive, basically because they had the guts to tell me and know they did wrong. If someone came up to me and was like "Your girlfriends cheating on you" it would probably be a very different case.

    In conclusion, fuck knows.

  7. 43% for me as well. But it called me:

    "Congratulations! You scored right in the middle and are a happy and well adjusted homo guy"

    Homo guy? But I'm only 43% gay! I'm confused...

    Thats what happens when you choose the option that you are a man, and that you sleep with men.

    Something you're not telling us, Neil?

  8. False - Doesn't really make sense to do so!!

    TPBM - Still believe's in tha Tooth Fairy + G-Unit?

    No, it doesn't make sense. Perhaps i'll remove the glasses.


    False, there is no such thing as G-G-G-G-Unit.

    TPBM frequently watches BBC learning zone to get to sleep and ends up staying up half the night because they actually show interesting stuff on there at this time.

  9. I'd say Paris for the reasons everyone else has given. It's just a nice place.

    I love Edinburgh. It's so near, but so differen't from here. Princes Street Gardens, Scott Monument and Edinburgh Castle all in your eyeline is something I recommend to every person on this earth. It's a well laid out city, and one which for some reason I've never been able to get lost in. And everyone is so nice. It's cool at nights too, I guess it's so filled with tourists and holiday makers that there isn't that much trouble. I don't know if I could live there though, I might get a bit too used to the place and it would lose its appeal.

    For living, I would quite like to live in London, but Glasgow wins it for me. I get such a buzz whenever I'm there. So many shops. The grid system of central Glasgow is perfect for wondering in and out of, you discover new places all the time and it makes it very difficult to get lost. The flat I'm about to move in to has everything I'll ever need right beside it, with no need to even go into town for anything. The home of King Tut's, the greatest establishment in the country. The only downside is the ridiculous parking prices in the city, but at a rate of about 20 taxis flying past per minute, there is no need to drive. And the public transport is excellent.

    St Tropez is cool too.

    My brother stayed in Monte Carlo for a while and said thats a great place to live. Where else... Barcelona was nice.

    But alas, nothing will beat Paris.

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