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Posts posted by threeornothing

  1. Wow! Sounds awesome! Personally I'm pretty much done with buying new stuff from R&B....an amp that was broken when I bought and has been repaired to death (DSL100!!) a guitar that was broken when I bought it, list goes on....

    Being a man of no credit, will there be the option to put down deposits on equipment? I also want to buy the following guitar...


    ...but a) can't afford it yet and b) dunno how it feels/sounds etc....can you please stock one specifically for me so I can put down a deposit and play it to death in the shop every day to see if I wanna buy it or not?? :D:D:D:D:D:D

  2. Not really in a financial situation to base my favourite models on what I actually play.....main guitar is a Fender Std Mex strat...its ok, but I wish I'd gone for a hardtail version as the bridge has caused me nothing but grief.....

    Also had an epiphone les paul studio (which was great, until some lock up fuckers broke it or something), great guitar to play and great heavy sound, but not the sound I'm after just now.... must say I'm really loving Gibson just now for "WANT THAT!" factor....heres my shopping list.....


    Spare some change?

  3. How about some of the more obscure bands from the 70s? Most the bands you've listed are practically household names.....how about...

    PUNISHMENT OF LUXURY (secrets or brainbomb, or both!)

    THE VALVES (for adolfs only,.....A D O L F P A!!!!)

    THE NOSEBLEEDS (fascist pigs....raging stuff)

    ART ATTACKS (I am a dalek!!)

    CRISIS (anything off the No Town Hall EP)

    GENERATION X (Day by day!!! awesome)

    THE LURKERS (Shadow!)

    THE MANIACS (Chelsea 1977)

    WIRE (anything of pink flag)

    SUBURBAN STUDS (I hate school)

    THE PIGS (pyschopath)

    EATER (lock it up)

    .... get the idea :D:D:D

  4. 'Cause they're one of those bands that get mentioned a lot as influences on Nirvana and even Fred Durst according to him so they check them out.

    On a side note you were on the number 17 on Friday at about quarter to 6 non? :D

    Heh...could have been.....spend way too much time on buses :moody:

  5. WANTED!!!

    SMALL bedroom sized practice amp in working condition.....will pay 0-20....not looking for the best of amps, just something that will let me be heard, 10-20w......somebody must have a shitty little combo amp that is sitting in their room doing fuck all that they'd happily give away, trade for some beer tokens?????? :up:


  6. GREAT TONE for me....

    HENDRIX......early days....got too much into the shite effects later on...

    THE BEATLES .... early days.....ricky guitars, vox amps....their sound got worse as they got on

    PETE TOWNSHEND...again early early days....for the time...the sounds on My Generation, Anyway Anyhow Anywhere etc must have been unlike anything else.....not a sound to everyones taste, extreme harshness....but is the sound of everything at 10+

    TREVER KEITH (face to face) - redefining the punk sound....started out very fizzy but ended up with very slick sounds from the great Top Hat amps....

    Billie Joe (circa 39/smooth) - theres an undeniable rawness about this sound that is near impossible to emulate, again may not be to everyones taste, certainly a unique sound.....love the sound on the song "waiting" aswell, think thats the P90's....

    RIVAL SCHOOLS.....love the guitar sounds in this....great use of effects...also lots of raw power....check "everything has its point"

    meh so much goo guitar sounds...need to work on my own...never buy a jcm2000 .... :moody:

  7. Game on!!! Would deff be down there for a load of beers with a load of mates if such classics as Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Friday 13th, They Live, Taxi Driver, Glengarry Glen Ross, Matrix, Se7en, Debbie does Dallas etc etc....were showing! :up:

    One thing.....obviously in cinemas you have to STFU.....would the same rules be in effect? Obviously its never gonna be totally silent, else you'd be too afriad to order a pint....but its great to have a good crack whilst watching a film, altho sometimes I do appreciate a good bit of silence during a film....

  8. Congratulations, you are His Hero Is Gone. Hard, heavy, and noticeably poetic. You don't like where society is headed, and you don't approve of the people that are considered heroes by many. You question everything, which usually makes for great music.

    Wotcha!!! A DECENT band although I'm sure they like soap....

  9. ive got a peel session version of Love in a Void that massacres the album version and thats what makes me think it would be a neat live tune so to speak

    Yeah the album version is poor, can recall a live performance (either old grey whistle test or something, BBC) where they just rip it up, straight from the intro riff (with a guitar sound so punk as fuck its impossible to emulate!) the guitar sound on the album was weak...

    horray for punk guitar tones! :up:

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