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swing out sister vs motley crue


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after a bad defeat in their first away game of the season against the beautiful south, sad haggared lost it (but didnt really have it in the first place except for a select few) spandex wearing rockers Motley Crue have challenged much underated Manchester pop band Swing Out Sister to a duel.......

the shocking fact remains that even Swing Out Sister managed to sustain a career even if it was only in Japan and have made as many albums as ver crue without the needless excess shagging and taking of drugs (which lets face it is not big or clever though sad old fucks like the crue think it is).

so will it be another appaling defeat for motley crue on away soil to a bland band whose music appeals to be quite general estate agents and bank clerks or will the crue's outrageous behaviour win the day?

should be an interesting contest.....

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did motley crue get asked to play in th UK in 2004? if they have then its to please some stupid adolesent fantasies are gonna be met.

in all seriousness, motley crue are one of the worst bands of all time, in fact they're so shite they have no idea how really appalingly shite they are!

and those who love them really have little arguement in their defence which proves my point

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Guest Bob Double Jack

I used to love watching Swing out Sister on America's Top Ten with Casey Kasem. Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars (with gesticualtions for added effect).

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