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Strange Rock Band recruiting now

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Im looking for a few people to start a band with. I play guitar in the style of incompetent Led Zep / ACDC type of stuff. Riff based and very oldfashioned. I write big stupid choruses but not many verses so I could do some help on that front too. 


So I guess i need a show off drummer, solid unfussy bassist and who perhaps knows the blues scale and some kind of vocalist. This should be a classic four piece. With moustaches preferably. Vocally a heavy metal Nick Cave would be ideal. But anything that is loud and overtly macho and even cliched should do the trick.


I have no great ambitions for this band, other than to knock out some good hard original vintage rock sounds and to bother some passers by.


I have some history in bands of varying levels of success and failure and musicians with similar experience will probably enjoy this doomed escapade.


Maybe Im trying to invent early ZZ Top with Johny Cash on Vocals. Who knows?... until somebody actually pops along for a wig out and the experiments begin.


If this is of any interest to anyone at all then please reply. Thankyou.


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Partial success.


The Strange Rock Band now comprises an Guitar player and  Bass Player. Both committed to ressurecting the vintage vibes early rock. But worse. With plenty of original bad to mediocre material ready to go.


Two more members required please.


Rock Singer


Rock Drummer


The ability to loosly replicate every known rock cliche is preferred. Simple and Loud. No nice edges, concessions to fashion, trends or originality.


We reserve the right to advertise elsewhere and end this auction at any time.


Go on!

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