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Experimental Music throughout November


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Hi Everyone,

Been busy planning tons 'o stuff and it's all coming around for November. You can skip the post below and just visit my site for all the info, links etc if you like: news

but otherwise read below. Would be great to see you at some of these. We've managed to bring in some great experimental artists from Germany, France, England, and the States, as well as having them perform in some cool venues-even at the Lighthouse Museum in Banchory (don't worry there's a free bus for those of you who would like to go)...feel free to contact me if you need more info. Look forward to seeing you there!


Hi Everyone,

I've been working on a number of projects that all come to fruition over the next several weeks and if you're within earshot of any of them, it would be great to see you there (say hi!). Please feel free to mention/pass this information on to others who you think would find it of interest. Here are the dates in order:

* Resonant Frequencies, November 5-8, Aberdeen, Various Venues: The first project is Resonant Frequencies, a 3 night exploration of the relationship between percussion and live electronics that I curated as part of Aberdeen's sound festival (homepage > sound festival 2009 > s•o•u•n•d) The first two nights involve two solo sets by either myself, Burkhard Beins, Will Guthrie, or Mark Wastell, followed by the artists performing as a duet. On the third evening, all four performers come together as a quartet, improvising their way though my improv score, gates, adapted for this occasion. As special guest, on the third night we'll also have James Wyness opening the evening with a set involving field recordings and live electronics. On the following day, Burkhard Beins will lead a workshop on open improvisation and graphic notation (still 5 spots left for those interested) while earlier that morning Richard Barrett (one of the founders of fORCH) will discuss his role and various compositional strategies within his ensemble. fORCH will then perform that evening at the Lemon Tree in Aberdeen. Events take place across the city and shire (including the amazing Fraserburgh Lighthouse Museum, the Award winning Suttie Building, Citymoves Dancespace, The University of Aberdeen, and the Lemon Tree.) If you need a lift to Fraserburgh, btw, there's a FREE bus organised by sound so be sure to contact them at the link below for details if you're interested. Some events are donation only, while others involve an entry fee. Check the links for details. (This project was generously supported by the PRS Foundation for New Music, the Scottish Arts Council, and sound)

November 5-8th: Resonant Frequencies, as part of sound festival in Aberdeen, featuring myself, Burkhard Beins, Will Guthrie, Mark Wastell, James Wyness, and fORCH.

Details: Resonant Frequencies > 2009 festival > sound festival > s•o•u•n•d

* Shifting Currents, November 15, 19, 23rd, s'Hertogenbosch, Aberdeen, Huddersfield: Following on the heels of RF is Shifting Currents, a three festival commission for the PRS Foundation for New Music. The commission involved my recording various electromagnetic fields found within the three cities (Aberdeen, Stirling, Huddersfield, and eventually, s'Hertogenbosch) and creating a multiple speaker installation from which three musicians (myself, Rick Reed, and Keith Rowe) improvise within. The first performance has already taken place in Stirling as part of Le Weekend (Bill Thompson's Shifting Currents) but happily the project was also picked up by November Music festival in s'Hertogenbosch, Holland. So, if you're in Holland, particularly in s'Hertogenbosch (only about an hour from Amsterdam), come on down :) The Holland gig takes place on November 15th on the top floor of a converted jail that was originally used as a gym (still with the original murals). The rest of the festival looks great too. Following that, we will be performing the work in Aberdeen on November 19th at Cowdry Hall as part of Aberdeen's sound festival, and then shortly after that on November 23rd in Huddersfield as part of the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival. Details and links below: (This project was made possible by the generous support of the PRS Foundation for New Music, the Scottish Arts Council, Le Weekend, sound, and Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival.)

November 15th, Shifting Currents:Holland as part of November Music Festival in s-Hertogenbosch, featuring myself, Rick Reed, and Keith Rowe.

Details: November Music - international festival for contemporary music

November 19th, Shifting Currents:Aberdeen as part of sound festival, featuring myself, Rick Reed, and Keith Rowe.

Details: Shifting Currents, with Bill Thompson, Keith Rowe and Rick Reed - 19 November 2009 @ 8.00pm > event > sound festival > s•o•u•n•d

November 23rd, Shifting Currents:Huddersfield as part of Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, featuring myself, Rick Reed, and Keith Rowe.

Details: Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival : the UK's largest international festival of new and experimental music // Magnetic Yields: Shifting Currents

* Winter Light Night, November 27th, Dundee, DCA (free): Upon returning from Huddersfield, I'll be performing in Dundee with Claire M Singer (composer/performer), and Jack Keenan (visual artist) as part of Dundee's Winter Light Night event (in which the entire city is enveloped in light via numerous performances/events throughout the day). I'll be playing live electronics alongside Singer who moves easily between live electronics, cello, and found objects, all while Jack Keenan projects a sonically reactive visual display on the far building outside of the Dundee Contemporary Arts building. The set should kick off around 10pm, and is free.

November 27th, Winter Light Night in Dundee, with Claire M Singer and Jack Keenan (visuals), at the Dundee Contemporary Arts. 10pm, free.

Details: Dundee Contemporary Arts

* Homecoming, Scotland, November 30th, Inverurie Townhall: As part of the Land of Standing Stones event and Scotland's 2009 Homecoming celebrations, I have been commissioned to write a piece for Traditional Scottish Instruments (though it won't be traditional Scotish music that is played...think Dumitrescu meets Merzbow). Featuring the talents of Martin MacDonald on bagpipe, Claire M Singer on accordion, Naomi Ballentyne on Fiddle, and Patrick Keenan on percussion, my work will be premiered along side numerous other works that evening (many of them premieres as well). The event is scheduled to take place in Inverurie Town Hall in the evening. For more info: Land of the Standing Stones (My piece was commissioned by the Aberdeenshire Arts Council and facilitated by sound.) Details:

November 30th, Scotland Homecoming, commissioned work for bagpipe, fiddle, accordion, and percussion featuring Patrick Keenan, Martin MacDonald, Claire M Singer, and Naomi Ballentyne. Inverurie Town Hall.

Details: Land of the Standing Stones - 30 November 2009 > event > sound festival > s•o•u•n•d

That's it. Thanks if you made it this far and please do say hi if you make it along to any of these gigs. If you want more information on any of these events, most of them are detailed on my site here: news. Also, if you've received this by accident, twice, or would like to be removed from this email list please let me know. God knows we all get enough spam.

Talk soon,


ps. There is one other excellent project TONIGHT (Saturday, October 24th) that you might be interested in at Woodend Barn called FOUND. It's the latest project of Curious Seeds with Chris Devaney (a fantastic choreographer/dancer who I met during this past week's Citymoves Dance Space Fast and Dirty in the Shire project.) It starts at 715 or so and looks to be amazing. Maybe I'll see you there. Here's a link for more info: Woodend Barn - What's On

pss. So much of this is part of the sound festival, it might be good to mention the intial gig at the beach ballroom called Piano Circus Easier to point you to a link than to try to describe, but should be an event WELL worth catching if you like pianos, minimalism, and well, more pianos! It kicks off on Wed. the 28th of October, check out details here: pianocircus > biography > sound festival > s•o•u•n•d

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