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SHAI HULUD plus support

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Tuesday 4th December @ Moshulu


Shai Hulud is well-known within the hardcore scene for their often complex compositions and misanthropic lyrics. Originally hailing from Florida, the band later moved up to Poughkeepsie, NY. The two mainstay members of Shai Hulud are considered to be Matt Fox (guitar), who writes most of the band's musical and lyrical output, and Matt Fletcher (originally guitar, but then moved on to bass), who assists in writing. After the release of 2003's That Within Blood Ill-Tempered and a number of tours going into the subsequent year, Shai Hulud and vocalist Geert Van Der Velde mutually decided it was for the best he leave the band. Acknowledging some people may misinterpret the parting as the end of Shai Hulud, the band came out on their homepage indicating that they would not be breaking up; instead, the band would change name to The Warmth of Red Blood and continue what had been started with Shai Hulud. At the same time, they also started requesting that anyone who considered themselves up for the challenge of taking over vocal duties record a demo of themselves performing the track "Whether to Cry or Destroy" (quite similar to what The Dillinger Escape Plan did when auditioning new vocalists). In March of 2006, the band announced they were abandoning the moniker 'The Warmth Of Red Blood' and keeping the name Shai Hulud.

In August of 2006, the band signed with Metal Blade Records. Shai Hulud also have a side project named Zombie Apocalypse, whose sound can be summed up as a faster, more chaotic and more manic version of its mother band. It features Matt Fox, Matt Fletcher, Ronen Kaufman, and Greg Thomas.

Age: +14



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