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Tama 10" x 5.5 " metal snare drum for sale

Guest Tam o' Shantie

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Guest Tam o' Shantie

I am selling my lovely TAMA snare drum. Small in size but delivers a very loud, cutting sound. The drum sounds light and punchy, very snappy and has a slight 'ping' to it (if you prefer a dryer sound, half a moon-gel sorts it out). Suits funk/ska/hip hop etc. styles but can cut it as a rock snare (though I have only used it live on a few occasions). Recently fitted a new head to it and have only played on it a couple of times since. Excellent condition and only a couple of years old. I am in need of cash fast so I am looking for a quick sale of 50 pounds (cost me 120 quid). Please email or PM me if you are interested, cheers.

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