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we are scientists (x2) up for grabs


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i know this isn't very typical of the kind of music you guys seem to dig but bear with me.

we are scientists

glasgow barrowlands

saturday 8th april

15 for the pair of tickets? may be negotiable...

long story but basically, i left it 'til the last minute and arsed up sorting out accomodation for my sister and i so we're not going. if you know anyone who'd like a pair of tickets to this fiine, sold-out gig - put them in touch, yeah? i'll have no interent connection when i get home so please harass me on this number: 07968673815. ta.

i can meet anyone in town at some point tonight or tomorrow morning to give them the tickets. i'd just like to recoup a little bit of what it cost me to buy the things, if possible.

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