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Drummer wanted for punk band


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Hello, I'm looking for a drummer to be in a band I'm trying to make. The closer to Aberdeen you are the better but I live in Moray so it's irrelevant really...! I'm new to the Aberdeen scene, so I dunno if there's a shortage of drummers as it is, but I have a guitarist lined up and I play bass and sing/scream/yelp, so all we need is a drummer!

Influence-wise I couldn't give a fuck... I like anything from Alkaline Trio to Napalm Death, but I suppose if you like bands like The Misfits, Ramones, NOFX, Operation Ivy and Dead Kennedys that'll do!

We might practise at Captain Toms, I want this band to do things the DIY way (book own gigs, stay on indie labels! :p), and I write political songs sometimes.

Oh yea, and we'll play a bit of ska too.

Even if you're totally new to the drums, doesn't matter, cuz it looks like it'll be July before we start playing gigs, so we've plenty of time. I suppose if you're already in a band you could play with us too. Just as long as you wanna play punk rock and don't think I sound stupid!

Thanks for reading

Bry Leech

North of Scotland Punk Rock - www.freewebs.com/nspunkrock

Punk bands in the North of Scotland can get a free page on here!

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