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Status Updates posted by riadsala

  1. Can anybody suggest a good, accurate history of #baduk (go) - I'm giving a public talk on it later this month

  2. Day 1 at U of Essex a success.. ended up chatting to the head of Comp. Sci. about AlphaGo and got an invite to join their game AI group.

  3. Enough go. I'm going to watch The Mask of Zorro (1940).

  4. Enough of worrying about the news. I'll study a game from Relentless instead https://t.co/qewPJhxUOH

  5. First day as a lecturer and already 213 emails in my inbox

  6. Friday evening game of go #baduk And I managed to take all four corners + tengen from a 5kyu! https://t.co/Jr1bS0oYXX

  7. Great weekend spent at the London Go Centre. And a pro reviewed one of my games

  8. Had a great time hanging out at OSU. Next up, vss...

  9. https://t.co/kTvuIHhzy0 You should listen! (if you're voting in the upcoming ref).

  10. I got to play on a proper board with slate and shell stones. Perhaps one day, I'll be able to justify getting some… https://t.co/LVRVkjfFQs

  11. I love all the section headings in Relentless. #baduk https://t.co/fW5I2VaHdq

  12. I really do think that the near constant moaning on social media is bad for junior academics. It's hard, but not *that* hard :-)

  13. I think things are bad enough without having to exaggerate https://t.co/Hkuik6IzL0

  14. I will be giving a talk at the Aberdeen Maritime Museum at 12:30 tomorrow (Wednesday) on Go (an ancient and beautiful board game).

  15. I'd like to point out I was opening with 3-3 in the corner at last year's Isle of Skye comp., way before it was cool. #AlphaGo17

  16. I'm guessing I should resist the temptation to play mirror go when I turn up the the QL Go Club this evening. Would be amusing though :p

  17. I'm still getting used to seeing job adverts and not immediately thinking of applying.

  18. I've got on the pre-print server, per-registered experiment train. A new paper, this time with Rama Chakravarthi! https://t.co/7lmFC6HEH3

  19. it's Dr Ed! https://t.co/8zPBS57tp3

  20. Last Saturday night in Aberdeen. I'll miss post doc life. https://t.co/Qa6wQ5HtMC

  21. Maybe I'm wrong and everybody else is right? That would explain a lot: from music and films to politics and belief.

  22. Mistake confirmed. I actually came have been second! EGF 3 kyu here I come (well, only a c grade event so my rank won't budge much)

  23. My first per-registered replication study! https://t.co/0blx2pzfcc #springerlink

  24. One of the upsides of having to (sadly) leave Scotland for the south east of England! (I miss Celtic Connections th… https://t.co/8d1BIHKSue

  25. oops. was meant to spend this evening organising life. instead, spent two hours playing go against a Spanish guy.

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