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Status Updates posted by riadsala

  1. RT @Hajin_lee: AlphaGo vs. Lee Sedol match! :) https://t.co/MO0lbk7IZL
  2. @CT_Bergstrom @RetractionWatch @GestureSignLab good answer :)
  3. played my daily game, and back to 5kyu for the 5th time. Can I hold on to the rank this time? (not that it matters) https://t.co/4pICm2yZMn
  4. @FraserIBrown Somebody needs to make of mod of Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds in XCOM. Can you make this happen? Just imagine.
  5. #DeepArt doesn't quite work on the #goban, but it's still a cool picture. #baduk https://t.co/sO4bs3YDiA
  6. Some old music from me: https://t.co/uOo7elf4Fh
  7. I have just remembered how much I love Brahms' 1st cello sonata. I should listen to classical music more often.
  8. @Cathy2709 Not this year - too expensive for me.
  9. #baduk how best to explain dead groups (at end of game) to a new player? If two players were to disagree?
  10. @StatModeling Just want to say thanks for your blog. Inspired me to run my own registered report/replication. Want to guess the outcome? :)
  11. RT @Peculiar: When people say they're 'best-selling authors' they're lying. Here's why: https://t.co/SYRGKGiRzW
  12. @GoDwyrin Yup. I know you've covered a few of his games on your channel. I prob watched most of them when I was still a lowly DDK :p
  13. @StatModeling Interesting. My experience (registered rep with AP&P) has been way more positive. Paper was accepted and peer-review was swift
  14. @ABChalleneger Hello, is this Ali Borji's account? If so, I have a couple of questions about one of your datasets. Thanks
  15. 10 hours later, I have arrived!
  16. Day 1 - two wins and 1 lose. I'll take that :)
  17. @britgo Imagine if the result is jigo.
  18. @OnlineGoServer ... I've love to see more people given the opportunity to appreciate the game.
  19. Ok, sure, #AlphaGo "plays like a goddess". But can #DeepMind make a bot that plays like a ddk?
  20. @OnlineGoServer I'm guessing OGS doesn't have the computing power to run a copy of AlphaGo!
  21. @elf_herself @daiconrad @AquilaRift yup, username is my first name
  22. @fisksektionen Do let me know if i can help :)
  23. RT @OnlineGoServer: Epic. https://t.co/oJVP1oTLLh
  24. @demishassabis Is it safe to assume #AlphaGo's rng is randomised before each game?
  25. @Praxilla Agree. But I won't miss having to get up at 4am to watch live!
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