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Status Updates posted by riadsala

  1. Right then, it's been a wee while. Let's see if I remember how to play this game. https://t.co/lh4bcOtuUb

  2. @Supreme_Owl_FTW @TimHarford @FuSchmu @ZachWeiner Hasn't it always been a key life skill?

  3. @JimGrange Well, what was it on then? I'm now curious :) Hope it went well!

  4. @Dr_EdFisher_UK @wellcometrust Ah well, see article i shared on FB. :)

  5. @FraserIBrown Have fun! Such a good board game!

  6. RT @TimKington: I've been doing this for 20 years, and yesterday I googled substring() https://t.co/QjLwlwumEn

  7. RT @DLeonhardt: After we published a list of Trump's lies this summer, some of his supporters asked us to compare Trump to other presidents…

  8. @inferencelab Meet up in London is best option (cambridge is so close, but hard to get to on train from here.. stupid UK infrastructure).

  9. @inferencelab As in, you only have a noisy estimate of your chance of success?

  10. @TomFoulsh I go around to comparing population densities... we were right about UK v China https://t.co/PANzWh1kSp

  11. RT @CraigHarper19: @epkaufm @robfordmancs @smthgsmthg @GoodwinMJ I mentioned something similar in a recent @PsyArXiv preprint I released on…

  12. #baduk progress in 2017... from 7kyu to 4kyu on KGS [well, currently back at 5kyu, but I view that as a blip. Sayin… https://t.co/Zn5ZaANg0a

  13. RT @TimHarford: UK looks to join Pacific trade group after Brexit https://t.co/6hwGP1IuEL via @FT

  14. RT @TimHarford: Masha Gessen is not impressed with Fire and Fury... https://t.co/Yv3Ba4CMpN

  15. @TimHarford @barneyjopson I'm sure there's an interesting piece to be written about how the Roman patronage system… https://t.co/G3Qf3IeVPm

  16. @TimHarford @SmithsonianMag If you squint, it looks a little like a goban.

  17. RT @sapinker: I collect ambiguous headlines. This one, on our President's health, is among the best. https://t.co/G6YTMc9hNM

  18. @JimGrange Good question. I will check. And make a point of playing tomorrow.

  19. @inferencelab cute. did it take long to develop? I should look into shiny one of these days

  20. @chipboaz @Kasparov63 @iRealProApp It's going to happen, same way virtual synths replaced a lot of hardware. And di… https://t.co/1aTDyBWNSo

  21. RT @TimHarford: A reminder that while Google Translate is sort-of miraculous, it is also quite bad. Douglas Hofstadter, on the other hand,…

  22. @Dr_EdFisher_UK Did you see the dinosaur?

  23. @TomFoulsh @StatModeling Isn't there a similar pattern in swimming records? Mainly put down to the less doping these days.

  24. RT @TimHarford: ICYMI, I wrote all the statistical advice you could want on a postcard. Share and enjoy! https://t.co/QiWQ4P8EAR https://t.…

  25. @KermodeMovie One of the few things i disliked about BR2049 was the soundtrack... I would have loved to hear what J… https://t.co/fw9e8jzjWv

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