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Max Fenig

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Posts posted by Max Fenig

  1. I know next to shit-all about South African history (as do 90% of anyone who is commenting on the man's death online) but i'm pretty sure he was a lot of good and a wee bit of bad. Bad at governing but good at everything else. Like, he had no clue what to do with his country's natural resources, would get hospitals and schools built by 'calling in favors' here and there rather than properly planning infrastructure, etc. Sounded like he was up for fecht back in the day too. But, he redefined what it meant to be South African and was a symbol of hope and all that. So yeah, he was a bit more of a hard-cunt than Ghandi, less clever than Abe Lincoln but more likeable and 'of the people' than almost anyone else you could compare him with.


    Definitely a top-10 world figure like





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