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Posts posted by MUSA

  1. Just so everybody knows, my manager sold the baby grand piano *cry*. Very sad, although it does free up stage space. We've got an electric piano now.

    Our first band evening was quiet but had a great atmosphere and 2 fantastic debut performances! Thank you to Bigsby and Fox. :-)

    The evening will stay free entry probably for the next few weeks, then, if we manage to pull bigger crowds as the Gig night develops I hope to start charging a small entry fee, which will go solely to the musicians.

    Thanks again to Foxhunting and The Malpaso Gang.

  2. Hey Musa

    How far ahead do you book performers? Say, from April on ish..the performer I manage will be heading your way. He headlined the launch night od the Tilted Wig which was a roaring success. Name of Jerry Harmon, if you'd be interested



    Hi Ciara,

    I book acts as far ahead as suits the musicians, so give me a shout at caitlinocarroll87@gmail.com to organise a date :-)


  3. Idol_wild, are you perhaps suggesting that all amateur/locally playing bands are a bit shit?

    I also think you need to allow for this type of evening to develop. If there are touring bands available then I will book them, too. As I do presently for our Friday and Saturday night music.

  4. Venues trying to invite musicians to play in their bar in an attempt to draw more paying customers through the doors to line their coffers, without guaranteeing a cash payment, is as low as a venue can go, in my opinion. That is literally exploitation.

    A venue or promoter should want to book a specific band (not just any old band) because they would love to see that band playing in their venue, and they really love the music. Not just appealing on the internet for any old granny and her ukulele to come and play for some beers. That sounds like the venue wants live music purely for the sake of it, in the hope it will add "atmosphere" or generate paying customers.

    I don't get the whole chain of thought suggesting that every musician should just be happy just to get a gig, especially when they are starting out. That is utter bullshit.

    I can't speak for my bosses, but personally I think this is a great oppertunity to showcase local and upcoming bands in a great space, and create a great new night in Aberdeen.

    Being fairly new to this part of my job, I have to start somewhere. I'm not looking to book any old person, and I am currently looking into booking local bands that I think will be great to watch/listen to.

    Once again, I do not expect musicians who want to be paid to play for free. I am doing my best to make it possible to have fees set in place for musicians. My loyalty lies with the musicians, and I will continue to do the best I can for them.

  5. What's the difference between being paid in beer and being paid 30 which you then spend on beer in the venue?


    Kybosh, you seem to be missing the fact that I said it is likely that the musicians WILL get paid. As I'm not the premises manager I cannot commit to any fees AT THIS TIME. If the evening is as successful as I hope it will be then payment will not be a problem.

    But anyway, if you don't want to play then, um, don't come and play. :-)

  6. What's the difference between being paid in beer and being paid 30 which you then spend on beer in the venue?


    Kybosh, you seem to be missing the fact that I said it is likely that the musicians WILL get paid. As I'm not the premises manager I cannot commit to any fees AT THIS TIME. If the evening is as successful as I hope it will be then payment will not be a problem.

    But anyway, if you don't want to play then, um, don't come and play. :-)

  7. As defined as..? 20 people through the door? 30?

    It just sounds to me like its an excuse not to pay bands, and as cynical as this may be, what are the chances of them actually saying "oh, there's been a decent crowd in tonight, here's 30"?

    But you make a good point. I'll be interested to hear how you get on playing, may even pop down on Sunday for some decent beer and cheese. :)

    [EDIT= Oh, and the music, obv.]

    Adam, as a musician myself, I have no desire to look for an excuse to not pay a band/musician. I make sure I can get the best deal possible for all musicians who come to play at Musa.

    As for crowd size, that depends on the venue. At Musa, on this first Sunday night, I would say that about 40 people would be a successful crowd. Although I would hope for a lot more in the following weeks.

    I might add that I will be there on Sunday (unpaid) to make sure that I can get the best deal for the musicians.

  8. I can see his point, but if you're a new band in your early stages, or in fact any kind of artist, you can't always expect to be paid. And if you DO decide you want to come and play there's a good chance that we will be able to pay you.

    If it's not for you, naaae worries, but this may be a great oppertunity.

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  9. Sorry Kybosh, please feel free to explain your post again using less cryptic language.

    Obviously we would like to be in a position where we can be paying the bands/musicians on Sundays but, as this is a first, we need to see how the evening goes before we can start deciding on any fees.

  10. Kitchen is closed on a Sunday night, it just wouldn't work. But we will be supplying some food such as cheese boards. Entry is going to be free so I'm afraid a free meal is off the cards.

    Will people be able to come in on "gig night" and get a meal for free , maybe just pay for beer , unless the meal is really good then maybe they'll pay a bit or perhaps promise to pay for a meal next time ? ?(

    .............didn't think so :down:

  11. Sunday night is GIG NIGHT @ Musa as of next Sunday 21st! So we need some bands lined up. I'm looking for amateur indie/rock/folk bands who play their own music.

    We need a support band and a main band each week. Ideally the support act would be singer/songwriter stuff, maybe solo or duo, and the main act would be a larger, rockier band.

    Doors will be at 7:30 (you can come and load and soundcheck first) and the 1st set will be 9-9:45, the 2nd from 10:15-11 (approximately).

    Because the Gig Night is just starting out we will offer free beer for the musicians and, if there is a good sized crowd, we may be able to negotiate a fee and/or offer you a paid gig.

    If you are interested in playing please email me - caitlinocarroll87@gmail.com

    Bands who have contacted me already to play gigs, you're still welcome to play!


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