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Robin Thornton

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Status Updates posted by Robin Thornton

  1. First TEFL assignment handed in; slightly apprehensive that it's in the right format.

  2. Go team GB! Unless it's Curling, then go team Scotland! I don't know where I stand on this whole independence debate.

  3. Good day's work. I looked at the clock and thought, 'I'd better get Caleb up to take him to J.M.Barrie's birthplace.' Well, I'll let him sleep for 20 minutes. In that time, I finished the second movement of my String Quartet.

  4. Gutted. Just gutted. What now?

  5. Has anyone figured out how to get rid of the blinking surveys that pop up every time I click on, apparently, anything? I have adblock plus, but it isn't doing it for these things.

  6. HELP!! IT people. I am trying to embed a form for the website. I am using Google and the don't seem to have an help page for debugging code. I have:

    var body = name+' sent the following message: '+message;

    var bodyHTML = '\

    '+name+' '+email+' sent the following message: \

    And I am being told that I have an Unterminated String Literal at line 35. Line 35 is that gap below var bodyHTML = '\. You know, the LINE WITH NOTHING ON IT!! I'm probably missing a colon or somethi...

  7. I am so proud of my pupils. I am reviewing the contracts. This highlights when each pupil started and how far they have come in the time they have spent in lessons. Well done to the pupils and their helpful parents.

  8. I had a fun kick around at the Church picnic yesterday. My back really hurts now. Good pain, though.

  9. I have been writing payments in the same book since 2005. The book has come to an end and I looked at the first page for nostalgic reasons. Some pupils on the first page are still in lessons today. Thanks everyone for the support over the years.

  10. I have just finished reading Jaws and am starting Dr Zhivago. Do you have any suggestions for what to read next?

  11. I have updated my calendar to reflect my teaching times. Good news/bad news. Bad news is that I'm fairly full. Good news is that Thursdays are a little freer. You can book lessons through the website. www.robinthornton.co.uk

  12. I just tried to log into my bank account. A screen - Bank of Scotland authorised - asked me if I wanted to sign up to buy something. I couldn't access my account without signing this contract. I didn't access my account.

    Little pole for all the voters out there: are you happy that certain banks are being supported by the tax that you pay? Did you get an option not to pay for that company to be supported? Answers please :) Let's keep this debate nice and vocal.

  13. I know that Sport isn't meant to be political, but ITV seem not to be showing the England game in Scotland. This Kingdom is not United. Just saying.

  14. I now have 54 pupils! Thanks for your support guys.

  15. I'm reading The Perks of being a Wall Flower and it's reminding me of some really good friends and good times. Thanks guys, you know who you are.

  16. I'm starting rehearsals with my new band tonight. All going well I'll post recordings tomorrow.

  17. I'm watching the debate between Alec Alex Salmond, First Minister of Scotland and Alistair Darling. When both people, arguing, talk at the same time, both loose. Neither is heard.

  18. I've spent the morning tuning our piano. I post the date for the annual Christmas Party and Carol Singing when Maria Thornton and I have decided.

  19. It has taken me half an hour to send one email! Reminds me of the good old days of the internet. Things were better when I was young : (

  20. IT people. I type in a web address - like the correct one and everything - and, rather than going to that site - which would be really convenient - I am directed to Bing. There is a disclaimer that says, "By using this site you are agreeing to our cookies policy." Can I get rid of this, or is this just how we do business these days? It's like me breaking into your house and forcing you to abide by the ISM contract when you don't even want the service. Do better business Bing.

  21. It struck me recently: if Scotland does not go independent and everything stays the same, does that mean that Scottish people will no longer exist? For that matter does that mean that there will no longer be English people, or the Welsh. Will everyone actually be British? Will the St. George's cross no longer stand for anything? Will the United Kingdom actually unite under one flag; one people without distinction or borders?

  22. It's like the end of a very long summer holiday: back to school tomorrow. Masters starts tomorrow, have I got my bag packed?

  23. Just a thought: The Dons - does that mean that all the supporters come from Donside? I think I could be right in saying that there are some supporters on Deeside. Come to think of it, isn't one of the players from Deeside? mmm?

  24. Just started watching an old favourite. Forgot how good it was. Save the cheerleader: save the world.

  25. Kilt Walk 1st of June. I have just seen that the Aberdeen Kilt Walk is happening on the 1st of June. I would like to do it: would you like to do it with me. I'll be doing the stretch from Potarch to Banchory, rather than the full length into Aberdeen.

    If you would like to do it, or would like to sponsor me - money raised going to children's charities - please comment here.


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