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Robin Thornton

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Status Updates posted by Robin Thornton

  1. Music Lessons! Robin Thornton BMus (Hons.) ATCL (TD) provides tuition in Guitar, Bass Guitar, Piano, Drums. www.robinthornton.co.uk

  2. Robin Thornton BMus (Hons.) ATCL (TD) provides tuition in Guitar, Bass Guitar, Piano, Drums and Theory. www.robinthornton.co.uk

  3. AARRGGHH! I forming a group and trying to create a profile picture, but it keeps changing my personal profile picture and not the group's. Help!

  4. Brown Amazon boxes tied up with string. These are a few of my favourite things.

  5. I've spent the morning tuning our piano. I post the date for the annual Christmas Party and Carol Singing when Maria Thornton and I have decided.

  6. That's another blinder of a lesson planned. This festive period, we will be learning about harmony. Looking forward to it.

  7. New Coffee Maker for Christmas and Miles Davis' 'Kind of Blue' on in the Kitchen. Suave.

  8. We're having Dinner this evening and then seeing in the New Year with a family games night. Does anyone have any suggestions?

  9. To all Dog handlers: a pupil of mine was out walking her dogs and saw a farmer taking his dog out to get shot. She rescued the dog and took it home. It's a beautiful Border Collie and it gets on well with my pupil's dogs, but she does not have the space to keep it. It will need some training, but seems socialised and safe. If you have the time and space to take on this dog, please contact me and I will pass your details on.

  10. I'm starting rehearsals with my new band tonight. All going well I'll post recordings tomorrow.

  11. Successful meeting! That's me booked for gigs until September.

  12. Composition and writing: I have been reading that people are having difficulty with the writing of music. I have Five Analytical Passes that will help you through your problems. Contact me for lessons in the subject.

  13. Composition and writing: I have been reading that people are having difficulty with the writing of music. I have Five Analytical Passes that will help you through your problems. Contact me for lessons in the subject.

  14. Does anyone remeber White Town, " Abort, Retry, Fail"? I am mixing Duke Box's rehearsal, last Monday, and I have just got that message. Should I feel privileged?

  15. I just tried to log into my bank account. A screen - Bank of Scotland authorised - asked me if I wanted to sign up to buy something. I couldn't access my account without signing this contract. I didn't access my account.

    Little pole for all the voters out there: are you happy that certain banks are being supported by the tax that you pay? Did you get an option not to pay for that company to be supported? Answers please :) Let's keep this debate nice and vocal.

  16. I have been writing payments in the same book since 2005. The book has come to an end and I looked at the first page for nostalgic reasons. Some pupils on the first page are still in lessons today. Thanks everyone for the support over the years.

  17. C04N2014 - My new personalised reg.

  18. Maybe you can help me decide. I have just read an interesting article of Scottish Independence. It made a lot of sense until it said that one of the main arguments for independence is that the UK is governed by a party voted in by the South East of England. "It's time the Scots were given a choice for Democracy!" We were and opted out. The referendum for Proportional Representation saw people voting to stay with the First Past the Post System, because they didn't know how Proportional Re...

  19. Go team GB! Unless it's Curling, then go team Scotland! I don't know where I stand on this whole independence debate.

  20. First TEFL assignment handed in; slightly apprehensive that it's in the right format.

  21. Ok, so Sweden are playing Finland in the Hockey and Maria Thornton is not home yet. Got to say I'm a little surprised at that.

  22. It has taken me half an hour to send one email! Reminds me of the good old days of the internet. Things were better when I was young : (

  23. I'm reading The Perks of being a Wall Flower and it's reminding me of some really good friends and good times. Thanks guys, you know who you are.

  24. Just a thought: The Dons - does that mean that all the supporters come from Donside? I think I could be right in saying that there are some supporters on Deeside. Come to think of it, isn't one of the players from Deeside? mmm?

  25. I have just finished reading Jaws and am starting Dr Zhivago. Do you have any suggestions for what to read next?

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