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Posts posted by johnzornssax

  1. Wirelessly posted (LG-GC900/V10a Obigo/WAP2.0 Profile/MIDP-2.1 Configuration/CLDC-1.1)

    Priory is the worst for it, I know a lot of girls who refuse to go on the dancefloor there at all cos as soon as they do they get pushy guys coming up surrounding them, trying to dance with them, touching their arse, grabbing them, trying to rub their crotch on them and stuff. it's usually Nigerian guys. It's so sleazy in there. I had a guy try to hit on my girlfriend while i was actually standing talking to her! Another girl i know had a guy walk up to her and stick his hand down her trousers when she just standing outside smoking.

    yeah min, its pretty shit. Heres a funny-ish story, couple of years ago, works night out in Espionage, was dancing about being the usual dick-head i am, having a laugh, this black chick starts grinding up against me- ( totally inappropriate and a bit slaggy)it was fun but about 50 seconds into it the heavy squad arrived- telling me that i needed to watch my attitude and that, get this " she was not for me", really funny, and a slightly uncomfortable situation- It's not like i was trying to fuck said girl...it was a bit of dancing=- and i'm peerless in the dancing stakes, anyhow- just felt it was a bit gay. needless to say i went a bit reasonable and pulled a Kanye West face and told them to check eminem. och it was fine, she was ugly anyhow- but it bugged me......i always wondered what a judicious application of boot polish would do in that bar....

    right, i'm off now. no offence...just relating how it is in a'deen.

  2. Do you mean "ethnics" or am I misunderstanding?

    I think you misunderstood. everything. I used to find you a bit grating around the edges, then i gleaned you were circa 18 years old and a ginger. I'm down with that. You are a dude in my book Mr. Grammar and spellcheck.! Go Nit-picker!

  3. Some gay guy offered me coke in the liquid within 5 minutes of me entering, i took it because thats what i did at the time

    Unfortunately it was ket/powdered mdma and i woke up with a sore erse

    is your arse okay now? did you get tested for bummer aids?, it's a total cunt- you need to stay on a course of lemsip for a month.

  4. hey,

    been busy at work the last month, a lot going on, and a heap of staff up from England to show around Aberdeen. Done the warehouse drummonds et al, but late last friday i took them all to espionage. A fairly good night was had by all, apart from various incidents of groping and sexism. is espionage the worst club in aberdeen for stonage antics. or as gina from our harrogate store said " this club is full off stinking retarded sexist enthnics"


  5. Every band should consider if their song goes well with a sporting montage on a sports programme or a tearful revelation on a reality TV show. If the answer is in the affirmitive, they should realise on the spot that they have no business making music and just quit.

    beats of rage = clear gay fail.

    • Upvote 1
  6. I'd fuck the tits offa Lily Allen

    Hate 'Come On Eileen' with a passion too

    she'd crit yer emission schedule, it would end badly. she has teeny tiny tits like rape fodder anyhow- I'd give it a miss...unless you are a well motivated Polish rapist with the words " she was alive and breathing when i left her" printed on a business card.

  7. For me, Explosions in the Sky sum-up all the problems that are symptomatic of the post-rock genre as a whole. Boring, drawn-out, pedestrian-paced songs that spend an ice-age building towards another yawn-worthy crescendo. There are some bands in the genre doing genuinely interesting things (and Mogwai's first album is probably one of my all-time favourites) but I've spent money on two EITS albums and they just bore the shit outta me.

    Rush are another band that a lot of people seem to love. I don't care how well Neil Peart can drum or how complex their arrangements are - they're songs are rubbish, especially "The Trees". Who writes songs about trees anyway? Pretentious fucks.

    Pond, a brilliant drone pop band from years ago on sub pop wrote a song called tree, and it's pretty good. Think it's on spotify. Rest of the LP is worth having also, great vocal harmonies and bludgeoning semi eastern tuning rock guitar.

    see ya!

  8. You are coming across like a right penis, surely you must see this by now.

    Maybe you are a nice guy in real life and if we knew you we'd get the joke, but i am guessing few people know you on here.

    Real tragedy about this though, i hadn't listened to Jay Reatard much since the Blood Visions album but i really liked that sound and always meant to get some of his more recent stuff.

    I know nothing of said Retard. Maybe I should. If Pete Babyshambles/Libertines. snuffed it you lot would be following my lead. Taking the piss big style. My niche is not your niche. So dial it down and be nice.

    All deaths are sad, it disnae need to be said, it's like a scum on Jeremy Kyle barking on about "i care for my family" or "blood is thicker than water", it's not like he called himself J. Rotten.

    Also, a lot of folk warned me about this site, kinda fradgey natives- but dude just cause you have a lot of green dots disnae mean you are a rightious soldier- it just means a lot of morons agree.

    Anyway. I'll not interupt this thread again/

  9. looking for folk to mess about with in a band. Quite tunefull, but fairly noisy. I've played some demos to folk and they witter stuff like "it's really catchy but hoorin' mental". The lyrics are a bit silly. Double deffo. Tuned to d at the moment but sometimes go to c. riffs etc. I'm old so folk with a reality check in hand and some gigging experience would be tidy.Over 30-ish, cause i dont have mtv2 and actually listen to music.

    Melvins, unsane etc meets semisonic apparently. ( dont hear it myself.)

    another one was "a drowning dinosaur jr.", whatever that means- the ultimate aim is to play to six people in drummonds.

    oh aye, i'm looking for drum bashers and bass guitar.

  10. What perspective would you recommend for the death of someone you hold in high regard?

    when Layne Staley from well known grunge band died I reacted in the following sombre way: I pulled my t-shirt over my head and paraded round the kitchen mumbling "bad scene man, I'm totally bummed out dude". It's what he would have wanted. Then i got a bus to Banchory and dammed a river. Thats respect.

    • Upvote 2
  11. Took me ages to work out what the fuck you'd changed. A fucking Z? To an S? Get out more, man. You should be out entertaining the womenfolk of Aberdeen, not fannying about with words. Spread your seed. :up:

    Edit: Try not to spread the ginger one though.

    Ha Ha. Very good.

  12. Don't really understand your first statement there. Are you saying that if your band/you as an artist have a - shock, horror! - funny/silly name, you're 'thick' ?

    I don't really understand what you are saying, if someone chooses to go by a stupid nick name then we are not allowed to rip the piss?

    It was a flippant comment, didn't realize it would upset you- If it did you need to get things in perspective.

  13. Hey chaps,

    I suppose what i meant was what albums have suffered with age, rather than personal taste. Reckon Joy Division still sound good, even given Hooky's limited but excellent bass playing- I still love the production of those Joy Division LP's. Listened to Orange by the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion and Becks Mellow Gold this afternoon- even if they are nae as loud as current records they still sound fresh....fuck the loudness war dudes.....same with Guided by Voices' alien lanes- always going to be a sonic touch stone for me- reminds you why and what the fuck you are aiming for i suppose..

    If it's a taste issue- I've never got my head round high pitched drowner Jeff Buckley (sp.?)- just sounds lame to my ears, and the passing years wont help with that. Maybe it's girls music.

    Superchunk's no pocky for kitty still slays, as to beefheart- I've been a tourist, only bought trout mask replica- and i tend to treat it like a novelty record.

    I reckon a lot of 90's stuff has aged badly, in utero still sounds savage- but nevermind is kinda chintzy sounding, .....


    good thread though...

  14. The Doors - The Doors. Maybe at the time it was mind-blowing but i never make it to, well... the end.

    I'm down with that. read an interview in Tape-op with the engineer that did the sessions, he did his best with the gear available to him. great band. shit(faced) singer, shit lyrics, good backing band. "the end" is cool though, in a kind of retro lo-fi way...

    what about joy division?

  15. hello captain

    for the first time in a long time. I know it's supposed to be legendary, but shit- it's not as good as i remember....bit timid and self conscious. maybe it never was that good. what I'm trying to say is that all those cd's and lp's that make the top 100 of critics lists are not that good. does hype and slow burning underground cred really make a difference in the torrent generation? hmmmm, well what the fuck? is the recieved wisdom of the music press worth it's salt or is it bollocks......

    name a sacred cow record and say what you really think...

    just hit the last track, yeah, it's suffered with age....not like atomiser or EVOL. weird. I blame Albini....

  16. for the first time in a long time. I know it's supposed to be legendary, but shit- it's not as good as i remember....bit timid and self conscious. maybe it never was that good. what I'm trying to say is that all those cd's and lp's that make the top 100 of critics lists are not that good. does hype and slow burning underground cred really make a difference in the torrent generation? hmmmm, well what the fuck? is the recieved wisdom of the music press worth it's salt or is it bollocks......

    name a sacred cow record and say what you really think...

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