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Posts posted by Calzone

  1. False, especially if I've ate the seafood at Blackfriars and then went shopping. I must hold the landspeed record for that dash from HMV's DVD section to their toilets. Ultimately, home is always best, but a public toilet is always better then a public embarrasment.

    TPBM should probably give their mum a phone, yeah?

    False, I'm visiting her at home right now. Although I do rarely phone her.

    TPBM would one day like to punch a bear in the face.

  2. The gypsies have been moved along, they are now in the fields next to the sky scrapers across the road from Lidl. So hopefully the foxes and what-not will be back next to Lidl again.

    Oh thanks for telling me. I hoped they'd be gone by the time I returned home. Fields across the road is fine for me, won't have children go karting all about the car park any more. I hope they tidied their litter at least. Wouldn't have minded as much if it weren't for the fact that that place is a wildlife sanctuary. Nothing like leaving your house in the morning and seeing a deer 30 feet away from you.

    On a completely unrelated note, when I was holidaying in Brasov with a friend, we had a wolf trot past us in the street. Bizarre.

  3. Not so much a podcast as more of an internet stream, but I know an ace one.

    The Lazlow show. Basically the dude from the GTA radio does his own live radio show every month or so, and its hella funny. You can get it at his website lazlow.com.

  4. More from David Thorne. Spoiler due to size.


    From: David Thorne

    Date: Wednesday 30 September 2009 6.04pm

    To: Peter Williams

    Subject: Inspection Report

    Dear Peter,

    Thankyou for the surprise inspection and invitation to participate in the next. I appreciate you underlining the text at the bottom of the page which I would otherwise have surely mistaken for part of the natural pattern in the paper. I was going to clean the apartment but had so many things on my 'to do' list that I decided to treat them all equally and draw pictures of sharks instead. I have attached one for your honest appraisal.

    Regards, David.


    From: Peter Williams

    Date: Thursday 01 October 2009 9.41am

    To: David Thorne

    Subject: Re: Inspection Report


    I recommed you take this matter more seriously. You were sent notice of the inspection as part of our normal procedure. In addition to the cleaning, the light fitting in the lounge room is broken and the apartment smells of smoke.


    From: David Thorne

    Date: Thursday 01 October 2009 10.26am

    To: Peter Williams

    Subject: Re: Re: Inspection Report

    Dear Peter,

    The light fitting was the victim of a toy lightsabre being swung in a space too small to do the same with a cat. I dodged a leaping double handed overhead attack and the fitting, being fitted, didn't. I will grab a matching replacement $12 fitting from IKEA the next time I require a tiny ironing board or glass tea light.

    The smell you mistook for cigarette smoke was probably just from the fog machine. Each Tuesday I hold a disco in my bedroom with strobe lighting and special guest. As my wardrobe door has a large mirror on it, it looks like someone is dancing with you. I once dressed as a lady and it was almost exactly what I imagine dancing with a real lady would be like. Unfortunately, I kept worrying about falling, hitting my head and being found dressed that way so she left after only a few dances and a brief kiss. You should come one night, it will be a dance spectacular. I imagine you are probably a good dancer because you are small and the smallest member of the Rocksteady Crew was definitely the best one.

    Regards, David.

    From: Peter Williams

    Date: Thursday 01 October 2009 1.16pm

    To: David Thorne

    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Inspection Report


    I do not appreciate being called small and being sent stupid drawings of me being eaten by a shark. The apartment is to be cleaned and reinspected in two weeks time. You cant have a fog machine or anything like that at the apartment in case the smoke damages the walls.


    From: David Thorne

    Date: Thursday 01 October 2009 4.02pm

    To: Peter Williams

    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Inspection Report

    Dear Peter,

    I apologise for mentioning your smallness. It must be a subject most people you know avoid. Was it the Rocksteady Crew comment or the fact that the shark was actually very small in the picture, making you, in comparison, the size of a very small fish? I have attached a revised version which you can print out, pin to your cubicle wall, look at whenever you are feeling down and think "That Volkswagen looks way too small for me to get into, I must be huge."

    Regards, David.


    From: Peter Williams

    Date: Thursday 01 October 2009 5.12pm

    To: David Thorne

    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Inspection Report


    Do not send me anymore drawings. I am not joking. I am keeping a record of everything you send just so you know. If the apartment is not clean when we reinspect in two weeks time, we will consider terminating the lease as we have also had ongoing noise complaints regarding the premises.


    From: David Thorne

    Date: Thursday 01 October 2009 6.27pm

    To: Peter Williams

    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Inspection Report

    Dear Peter,

    Yes, I find loud music helps me relax while I clean as the music distracts me so much that I stop cleaning. Which is relaxing. I will probably get onto it this week though as I do not wish to be evicted. I have developed a severe case of agoraphobia and residing in an apartment where I can reach all four walls while standing in the one spot brings me a feeling of security and the daily culling of plague proportion cockroaches gives me something to do in my spare time. I class the eighteen cans of surface spray I use per week as sporting equipment.

    I purchased one of those electronic things that plugs into the wall which is meant to scare cockroaches by sending a pulse through the apartment wiring but while it has reduced the numbers, it seems others have evolved to feed off the electrical signal, increasing their size. I am using one as a coffee table in the lounge and two smaller ones as side tables in the bedroom. They would probably be susceptible to carbon monoxide poisoning though so I will try running a hose pipe from my car exhaust to the apartment, closing the windows and leaving the vehicle running overnight. It is apparently an odourless gas so should not prove an issue for my son's cub group sleepover. Also, I read somewhere once that cockroaches can survive a nuclear attack so I have been collecting the dead ones and intend to glue several thousand to the walls thereby ensuring my survival should Cyberdyne Systems become self aware between now and when the lease runs out.

    Regards, David.

    From: Peter Williams

    Date: Friday 02 October 2009 10.18am

    To: David Thorne

    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Inspection Report

    I am not going to waste my time reading any more of your stupid nonsense. Clean the property or we will terminate the lease - the choice is yours. Do not email me again unless it is of a serious matter.


    From: David Thorne

    Date: Friday 02 October 2009 10.36am

    To: Peter Williams

    Subject: Nom nom nom


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  5. Spent my night in A&E, girlfriend passed out standing up while in taxi rank, fell backwards and smacked her head off the ground. Dunno where it came from, cause she wasn't drunk. A&E was obviously busy as hell. She's fine now though, which is good.

    Apparently there was some guy in a lion suit who was passed out, and the doctors cut his suit off of him. His girlfriend was going nuts shouting at them, lol.

  6. I suggest you try the Uni. If you go into the music building, (MacRobert building), and ask at the reception the nice lady there might send an email round the students. There should be plenty cello players there, but whether any would want to join a band is another question. They get paid well enough in orchestras and such like.

  7. My favourite restaraunt in Aberdeen has to be Sai Gon on Crown Terrace, but be warned, it's quite expensive. The only reason I've experienced it is because my Dad has taken me there and got work expenses to pay for it. I'm not sure what the prices are the now, but its somewhere between 20 and 25 pound for the all you can eat menu, which is excellent, because they cook the dishes, not premade like Shitty Chungs. Usually its like a huge starter platter, duck pancakes, then whatever you want from the menu.

    Another good restaraunt is La Bamba, also on Crown Terrace. Excellent mexican or texan food, and last time I went, a hen night was there and they were dancing on their tables. It had quite an amazing atmosphere at the time. Quite loud though.

  8. I ended up finding the notes that we'd made throughtout the night. Stand out note was "Crap but more quaffable than Tennents"

    Best recommendation is by far Black Isle Scoth Ale. It's amazing.

    Other than that, I've forgotten the notes, so am not much help. Wish I could go again tonight.

    The note we had for Scotch Ale was "Tasty Fruitcake", I remember that one. That was a fun night. Running into Moorings singing "Moorings, punt a c*nt" and then you, Stu, and Kyle running across the bar in your boxers at closing. Fun times.

  9. My favourite comedian is Ross Noble. He's not for everyone, kinda like Marmite. Some people love him, some don't. Basically he's random, most of the stuff he just improvises on the spot.

  10. It's also quite bad for you, Tofu is, its actually healthier to eat meat. Tofu contains antinutrients which can block absorption of essential minerals. That Lazlow dude (from the GTA Radio) once said on his own radio show that his doctor told him he had to stop eating Tofu or he'd get Gout (or some other disease, think it was Gout).

    Enjoy Tofu in moderation. xD

  11. I saw the guy who plays Boaby the Barman in Still Game yesterday in Glasgow.

    But apart from that, I've been to a book signing by Terry Pratchett, he made a few comments about the Wee Free Men that I asked him to sign.

    Also randomly had Dara O'Brien walk past me while waiting outside a theatre to see Ross Noble. He looked at me, I nodded, he nodded, he walked on. The most random thing about it was that it was in my hometown of Kilmarnock, I mean... who goes to Kilmarnock?

  12. Well, I wouldn't say I'm amazing at writing lyrics, but I can write them. Made quite a few of my own songs as it were.

    But yes, I can sing. Have studied Classical singing, as I've just finished a degree in Music, was also in the Uni Chapel Choir (not religious, twas compulsary to be in an ensemble) as a Bass. I've got quite a good range, but can't sing too high (but at the same time can sing falsetto). So, yeah. Interested?

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