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Posts posted by kevyrob

  1. Body is nice, scratchplate has screw holes where they shouldn't be, the headstock has had a half arsed job of being sanded down leaving part of it sanded and the rest black. Pups work fine, I have used it for recording at home. Bought it a while back on ebay from a guy who had attempted to fix it up but didn't do it right. Plays fine though so could either be used as is or someone could fix it up. Looks to be an old peavey bass. Deep red body and black scratchplate. Sold as is

  2. Bought this off ebay way back. Guy had bought it as aproject bass. Tried to paint the headstock black so half of it has black paint and the rest just the wood.. Needs a new set of strings and the scratch plate has screw holes where they shouldn't be. Pups are fine though and I have used it to record at home. Red colour with a black scratchplate and the action is good and easy to play.. It appears to have been a Peavey bass.. Sold as is, a good one to fix up nice or play as is!!

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