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Posts posted by Malice

  1. Hopeing to trade or sell my Bc rich warlock it doesent have a serial number wich im told by the internet means it was made some time between 1985 and 1992

    the specs are

    Body: probably bass wood

    neck: maple

    headstock: reversed

    Bridge: 6 screw with trem

    pickups: had a look seem to be stocks

    a few chips on the pointier bits but it is old and none caused by me lol the volume pot has to be at either 0 or 10 wich i imagine is easy fixed it was like that when i got it never caused me any harm just never bothered to fix it lol but yh thats pritty much it make me an offer id love a trade of somthing im open to most guitars a diffrent Bc rich wouldent go a miss lol but what ever pops up selling wise same just make an offer also pictures are avalible on request

  2. what it says on the tin were in need of a vocalist willing to join a Doom band that has Black Metal influences and Free on fridays for practise everyweek and gigin ASAP links below of our songs if Your intrested get in touch please

    YouTube - The Beast Must Die - March Of The Dead

    YouTube - The Beast Must Die - Grasp The Hand Of Death

    YouTube - The Beast Must Die - No pity.

    YouTube - The Beast Must Die - My Skin Crawls

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