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Everything posted by fanboy1982

  1. This is a shit band, they really are shit, someone needs to stop them from playing i really really hate this band. STOP WEARING YOUR MUMS CLOTHES, SOMEONE IN YOUR BAND LOOKS LIKE A WOMAN AND YOUR DRUMMER IS A LARD ASS. THEY HAVE NO REASON TO BOAST ABOUT FAMILY HOLIDAYS TO L.A EITHER.
  2. exactly what u was talking about they dont treat people with respect. these people are true scum
  3. Omg I have seen this band in aberdeen it is actually like watching a comedy. why would someone decide it would be a glam image to dress in his mums tights and scream on stage. This is what makes me sad about the aberdeen music scene. they dont treat anyone else with respect so they shouldnt be treated well in return
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