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Posts posted by rcalder82

  1. That was a good night. I've had a stamp of Nigel Mansell's face on my right hand for two days now...

    Ha, thats a new one. Normally I get accussed of stamping people with Saddam or Hitler - it is in fact Stalin Im afraid - my friend took it home from Russia for me! Maybe I should get something a bit more gig appropriate! :)

    Really enjoyed the night - shame about the shoddy turn out but all the bands were excellent. First time Id seen Curators live and was very impressed.

    • Upvote 1
  2. AGP presents


    + Katerwaul

    Cafe Drummonds

    Mon 11 October - 8pm - 14+ show

    5 from One Up, Belmont St and Welcome to TicketWeb!


    Hailing from Iceland FaMR comprises of four 20-year-olds from Reykjavk, Iceland - Kjartan Holm (guitar), Gufinnur Sveinsson (guitar and piano), Elvar Jn Gumundsson (bass) and Andri Freyr orgeirsson (percussion). Their music is best described as energetic, melodious post-rock, though being the natural creative visionaries they are, the band expand and even subvert their style with almost every song.

    Following a scintillating live performance at 2007s Iceland Airwaves, FaMR were invited to undertake a two-week 2008 tour in the USA and Canada. Later in the same year the band were invited to do 15 dates with Sigur Rs on a European tour and used the opportunity to release their album on iTunes, as well as selling it on the tour. The band sold out on the 2000 albums they manufactured bringing the total sales figures of this modest demo recorded in a home studio to 5000 copies.

    Needless to say the tour with Sigur Rs attracted attention, which landed them a showcase slot at Eurosonic at the start of 2009 and a months headline tour in Europe early summer last year Spending the rest of the summer writing a new album FaMR chose the Sigur Ros studio in Iceland to record 10 new songs with LA producer Scott Hackwith. The album is due to be released in the spring.

    Local support from the amazing Katerwaul.

  3. AGP presents


    plus support

    Cafe Drummonds

    Sunday 21 November - 14+ show

    8 from One Up, Belmont Street and Welcome to TicketWeb!


    'Surely the greatest live band in Britain.' The Observer

    'Nobody said the revolution would be pretty. Equine-based torture never sounded so sexy.' NME

    'Brilliantly unpredictable smarty-pants art metal, hoarse hardcore. Beautifully focused racket.' Kerrang

    'This Leeds four-piece are causing quite a stir with their manic art-punk convulsion, discover why Pulled Apart by Horses are the name on everyone's lips.' Rocksound Magazine

    'The weirdest show on earth. Choppy, twitchy riffs and yelped vocals give way to crushing noise chaos before returning to the insistently urgent and upbeat.' Metal Hammer

    'An explosive rush of brash guitar from the moment they step onstage. With angry expressions fixed firmly to their personas the group are brimming with powerful angst.......they're capable of turning any crowd into an emotional mess.' The Fly

    'Awesome earbending post-hardcore rock n roll from one of the best bands in the UK.' Artrocker

    'An incredible band that played a storming set at Leeds & Reading festival. Awesome, totally bodacious.' Huw Stephens - BBC Radio 1

    'One of the best live bands we have seen this year, the new single from this Leeds outfit goes some way to harnessing that energy on record.' Music Week

    'Are these guys the future of British hardcore music in the UK? If they aren't they bloody well should be.' Drowned in Sound

  4. Well on a more positive front, its always good to see The Fly when Euan does have the regional section in. Regardless of the national readership figures, any sort of exposure should be gratefully accepted I would have thought.

    Just from working in Drummonds and Tunnels where the magazine is available, its amazing how many people will sit and read the whole thing over a pint or two. Can't see the harm in a band getting in touch with him. Even if it gets ten people reading about you, surely its worth it!

    We should probably just be grateful he is doing it at all as without that (and having met some of the editorial team of The Fly) there would probably be no mention of Aberdeen at all in there! Its not just about people reading about Aberdeen bands, but just people elsewhere seeing that we actually do have decent venues and people who want to see gigs up here!

  5. Cafe Drummonds presents

    6 DAY RIOT + support

    Thu 4 Nov 2010 - 8pm - 14+ show

    This is put simply - a band to fall in love with!

    Led by front woman Tamara Schlesinger, armed with ukulele the band produce seductive folk pop gems - think Los Campesinos! mixed with Emmy The Great maybe.

    Unashamedly pop and unashamedly 100% fun, this band will make life seem instantky a million times better as they perform tracks from debut album "6 Day Riot Have A Plan"

    "Stealing beats and licks from all over the folk-pop globe..., ukulele led acoustica bursting with a joyous Afro-Latin energy... recalling the post punk clatter of Bow Wow Wow with a side order of Vampire Weekend" Uncut

    "Excellent. A must have to make the scalding hot summer melt away into the crisp, sublime world that 6 Day Riot create." Drowned in Sound

    "Woozy Folk-Pop, a glorious jamboree of sound and sentiment. Come join the parade." Clash

  6. Cafe Drummonds presents


    Friday 17 September



    Tickets 5 from One Up, Belmont Street

    The Glasgow 6-piece deliver indie-folk-pop at its best with clear influences rangigf from Arcade Fire to Belle & Sebastian. Wielding a varied array of instruments, their songs blossom with a life seldom seen outside a full orchestra. With captivating lyrics and spine tingling melodies, we are all very excited by this one!

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