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Everything posted by kloniky

  1. Does anyone know? Haven't heard anymore about her after the second album
  2. Fender Telecaster for sale, maple neck, two tone sunburst, looks like this: Somebody's scratched the serial number off for some reason, so 150 for quick sale. It's in the Peterhead area just now, but I can come to Aberdeen if need be.
  3. sorry...have to bump cos need to find a keys player as quickly as possible
  4. have a track for folks to listen to- if you Pm will send you the link
  5. no keys players or guitarists interested?
  6. We are all over 25 (I'm not entirely sure of everyone ages) but we have had younger members in the band in the past and that was cool so we are not bothered about age to be honest. The line up so far is drums, bass, voxs and guitar.
  7. It is something more melodic than screamy I'm interested in doing also. For this project -looking for guitarist/keys or snyth player at the moment as we seem to be sorted for all the rest
  8. I'm into all styles of music so will check out your post. What is it you play?
  9. Musos wanted for band performing their own material. PM me if you are interested in knowing more
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