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Posts posted by tomrogers7

  1. I play a Musicman Stingray 5 HH. Bit of a monster.

    well what you have is good, is all about how much you like either one and what fits your style the most when it gets to that stage - wish i had that much choice

    for me im always trying to get the extreme cheap deal, i got my artcore for 250 and i got a sansamp to boost the hi's a wee bit, and put some flatwound strings on, but yeah i'd really like to have a 5 but i think next bass will be an epi jack cassady or vintage precision, i'll be sticking with my cheap bass for a while though before i start thinking about that haha


  2. i love numarks but ive got a set of technics aswell and the numarks are bassically sitting hewre doing nothing if i didnt need the money so badly i would keep them

    aah well you see im thinking about getting some decks,

    i was thinking on just getting a cheap numark cd setup rather than vinyl and im buying a technics amp of a friend,

    then if things go well, get a vinyl one.

    People always say nothing comes close to technics though? I thought numark was the cheap of the cheap, suppose it depends, there cheapest product for instance Numark DJ IN A BOX v6 | Dolphin Music

    you'd still reccomend or the more upmarket? what would you reccomend?

    how long you been dj-ing for?



  3. I wasn't sure about the single, 'On Call' initially but really like it now, the album is good but not as immediate as the first one was. The second one I thought meandered a bit other than the singles, but it was still pretty good. At least they are trying to broaden their sound as they progress. The Southern Strokes thing was just lazy comparisons to me.

    yeah i heard that, single not really over impressing me, the vocal line is ace though, i would knick that and put it into another song. Big fan of the first two albums, so until i properly listen to the new one i won't judge.


  4. it would be good to see some 'proper' reggae in this city...not that I have a particular problem with the punkier ska/reggae stuff, but just some real proper full band reggae/ska.

    yeah sounds like a treat, what do you think of contra?

    we can dub jam for hours, im trying to get a dj sorted out, andy from vision played keys with us once which was really cool.

    I think gerold said he is dj-ing at that club night, i'll try get him to put on some good ol' reggae :up:

  5. Here's a clip of some beats i've been writing lately, I've dumped a randomly chosen vocal track over the top of it purely for illustrative purposes - obviously it would sound a hell of a lot better with a shithot MC who knows the track etc.

    factoid - this is completely sample free, all the sounds - including the drums - were programmed from scratch in the synthesizer.

    right click n download http://www.neuscan.com/stripey--hyphybeats.mp3

    kickdrum guaranteed to wake up your neighbours if you turn it up to 11.

    hey have you checked out D.O.P.E? (deciples of planet earth)

    we played with them, they had a really good sound, just like a weegee version of the roots


  6. seen them in glasgow and aberdeen last week and were class both times. Theyve really came along alot since the last time i saw them

    i wasn't really impressed to be honest,

    maybe its not really my thing im not sure,

    i'm not really into stereotypical 'indie'.

    thought there was little variation to their songs,

    not exactly very adventurous,

    sound was good though, everything balanced out pretty nice but

    i was pretty bored to be honest - waste of 10 pounds.

    what do you think makes them stand out from other 'indy' bands?


  7. The Chemical Brothers, Daft Punk and Groove Armada ...

    Plus The Automatic, 2 many djs, Alabama 3, Soulwax Nite Versions, The Cuban Brothers, Erol Alkan, Dub Pistols, Rob da Bank, Caged Baby, The Whip, Drive By Argument and Nathan Detroit

    Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th June 2007

    More info: Rockness

    are the tickets on sale now?

    also anyone else heard any more on the rumours about fat boy slim and prodigy comming past when they come up to scotland??


  8. i've been quite lazy in the past with getting new sounds, opting for a classic jamerson tone and never moved past playing about but it's time i got serious with my sounds if my solo project is to take off in '07!


    haha way too many effects guys- jamerson ftw

    i've decided going again a trade for either of those pedals, if i need overdrive i'll just use my sansamp. cheers for the offer though, interested in buying it though?


  9. Yes I admit it to being in the same room as AKA SKA one, not much else to do, evening several months ago, and despite myself acknowledging they weren't half bad... That said I wouldn't 'ever' choose to knowingly attend gigs of this nature. I know it's fun, I appreciate and understand 'why' there is a market for it and that's my whole point, 'there is a market for it!'

    And for the record I don't hold local tribute nights, the likes of which are coming up this weekend, as the same thing at all. More often than not these consist of performances based on re-interpretation of an artists original material. An entirley different and ever so slightly more 'creative' affair!

    No I'm not a snob, I just like my music to have a smattering of creative input no matter how good or bad and nowt wrong with showing your influences (unless it's shite of course)

    This is all said from a happy place by the way. Each to their own and all that... Just wish there was less of the 'creativity sapping, cultural draining pap' that's being passed off as worthy entertainment.

    There! :)

    :love: :love:

    i have to agree that being a cover band is the safe/boring option- lots of money, easy to do - lets face it its getting harder and harder to come up with something absolutely fresh these days. I think its fine to have gigs like this, it doesnt aid new music and the evolution of it but there is definatley a market for it- for me it is more of a frustration at not having the original members or supporting rich hypocritical bastards.

    However, this gig is purely just a thrash for folk who used to really like the music to come and go wild, I totally love to see the average 30-40's office worker get all punked up and jump around as if there 17. If theres lots of energy and soul in music its a good thing. I like these kind of gigs because at least it has a certain kind of mutual respect- new bands on the aberdeen music scene for instance dont recieve as much support or it is basically half assed.

    I think it would be better if less cover bands did get to play, but I think its more the aberdeen music scene's fault that causes so many cover bands to come and play. It's better than putting on a crap band that bring hundreds of people but sound terrible wouldn't you say?


    And you get to see Biz playing drums!

  10. "Smoothes out your playing by eliminating harsh volume peaks, even when using dynamic slap and pop techniques. Ratio and Threshold knobs allow precise control of limiting parameters."

    -basically for all those bass players who like a good slap and other kinds of techniques you can even out the sound of your bass

    Ok I'm looking for a trade or buy off me 45quid o.n.o like brand new hardly used

    looking to trade for - guitar/bass overdrive pedals especially boss os-2

    pm me



  11. you cant go wrong with an ibanez or yamaha

    I hope that someone can help me as I know very little about basses.

    I'm looking for a bass guitar to record with and have a budget of about 200 - 300. I need something which is a good all rounder and can be passive or active (as long as the pickups are quiet and have reasonable output). It has to have an even response throughout its range without any dead spots on the neck. I play both fingerstyle and with a pick and don't slap! As it's for recording, I don't want to shell out for fancy flamed tops or cosmetics.

    At the moment I'm looking at the Warwick Rockbass range but is there anything better out there?

  12. Hey, just to officially announce on behalf of Contra that the new album is now available.

    Things are going pretty well at the moment, supporting Skindred and Dub Trio being the highlight.

    You can check out some of the songs on the album as per usual at:


    Hope you all like the album,

    Some reviews/feedback wouldn't do any harm :p




    1. The Idiot Bastard Son

    2. Disenfranchise Me

    3. Hold Me Tight

    4. We Won't Live Long

    5. Suits At The Slaughter

    6. Heavy Brain Damage

    7. The Devil

    8. End of the Day

    9. The Return Of The Idiot Bastard Son


    + all money recieved is going towards the next album which we hope to record in easter

  13. These bands have (or have had) record contracts. The guy who made the website doesn't.

    Shite website.

    haha what does a record deal have anything to do with how 'good' a band are?

    I would have to go against the doors and jamiriqui in the top 50.

    firstly the doors ok theres a lot of reasons why not to like them, like not having a bassist when playing live and clearly sounding fecking good in recording, but even if i didn't dig there music i would still regard them highly.

    secondly jamiriqui well the musicians themselves are damn good, ok there is a lot of ripping stevie's stuff but generally its fine music.

    pretty much the rest of the bands i would say are fair to be there, it seems a lot of bands on the list are bands which are the result of hype or to put it simpler bands which get the chicks at the time but no one likes the music of: you know those bands to well in aberdeen eh!

    i do respect your point about not having a label, but I'm sure there are many good bands that may never get a deal.


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