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Posts posted by stevealex35

  1. In the run up to it's official launch, we shall be streaming one song per day from our forthcoming EP 'Rotten Kids and Haversacks'! Starting from Monday 24th August, each song will be available to listen for only 24 hours, and will be playable through an imbedded music player in our blog (link below), rather than on our myspace profile player. We hope some of you are looking forward to hearing the tracks! Here at COTC HQ we are rather excited about the songs we recorded with Robin and cannot wait to get them out there.

    EP Sneak peak!! - Cast Of The Capital's MySpace Blog |

    So, the day by day schedule looks a little like this:

    Monday 24th - Comiston Springs

    Tuesday 25th - The Witching Hour

    Wednesday 26th - Passing The Horse

    Thursday 27th - Crematory Blues

    Friday 28th - Tree Sleep



  2. Studio Progress...

    Part 1

    Yo folks,

    We have been in the studio for 3 days now laying down drums, bass, electric guitar and some vocals. It has been ace fun. To make things even better, Matt recorded the acoustic track completely live in one take today...which was impressive to behold!! As usual Robin is doing an awesome job, helping us make the record sound as fresh and exciting as possible. This collection of songs is definitely a little rockier and poppier than our previous demos, so I advice you to get your dancing shoes ready!! If things go to plan, we should be finished recording in a couple of days time. Which unfortunately means back to work for all of us. Boo hoo.

    I can't wait for you lot to hear the new tracks.

    What has everyone been up to? Been to see the new Harry Potter film? It's superb. Our guitarist, Mr Watt, will disagree (yet he hasn't seen it, or any of the previous films for that matter. So really, he doesn't deserve to be listened to!!), but I reckon it's the best film of the year so far.

    Part 2

    Well, our recording session with Robin came to end yesterday (actually it was this morning at 5.30am - Rob was still up mixing the tracks. He is a machine I tell you)!

    Although we'll miss nipping down to the studio each day, I can tell you that I could not be happier with the set of tracks we have recorded. The mix of pop, rock and epic (haha, yes!) songs is pretty cool...I hope theres something in there for everyone. The next steps are: send the tracks to Dave Collins in Los Angeles for mastering, have the artwork prepared, prepare for the launch on 5th September. Although we really are itching to let you all hear them...we can't just yet! Keep checking back though.

    Cheers for your support as always.

    Steve + COTC

  3. Haha, yeah I have the K-Pax trilogy book which I have read a couple of times! Amazing. Probably my favourite book ever actually! Have you read 'The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat' by Oliver Sacks? Or 'Moondust' by Andrew Smith?

    When I am in the mood for atmospheric instrumental music, I usually listen to

    K-Pax OST

    American Beauty OST

    Bladerunner OST

    Metronomes 'Canoe' Metronomes on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads

    Tobias Hellkvist 'Sides' Tobias Hellkvist on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads

    EL-P 'Cannibal Oxtrumentals' - amazing instrumental hip hop but totally scifi El-P Presents Cannibal Oxtrumentals: El-P & Cannibal Ox: Amazon.co.uk: Music

  4. I would also highly recommend the K-Pax soundtrack, by Edward Shearmur. Definitely my favourite film soundtrack. Its a little like Thomas Newman's American Beauty, but obviously a little more sci-fi and 'magical'!! Some of the tracks are really dark as well, its not all wonderful and happy.

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