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Posts posted by malloty

  1. Possibly because it's not a very good joke and the inital reaction would be to think your being serious' date=' I probably wouldn't have got it if you hadn't said it was a jokey comment and I am a Master of Bad Jokes(Cambridge). Perhaps best to leave humour to comedians, people look for the joke in what they say rather than taking it at face value.[/quote']

    to be fair i was laughing when i said it as were the 7 other people in the studio so it was pretty obvious, again if it had been a band certain folk had liked it wouldnt have been an issue, the original issue was that we were on the 'alternative' show in the first place

  2. Exactly!

    Self-important "quips" like that merely reinforce the widely held opinion that you've got a vastly over-inflated view of yourselves. It's not 5 pages of slagging' date=' it's 5 pages of people trying (and apparently failing) to make you see what is wrong with your whole attitude. Or to put it another way, 5 pages of people banging their heads against a wall.

    And don't bother with the "oh it's so funny seeing how riled you all are ROFL!!!" type shite. It's a well abused tactic of arrogant twats.[/quote']

    this general opinion stuff is bollocks. we have been in the studio for about three months and the last thing we actually promoted in aberdeen was our last show at the lemon tree in april.

    what it seems is that because we were asked to play free at the dee and because of the (fun) interview on what is actually a really good show on Northsound, which will in time be a benefit to all the bands who bother to get their material, a couple of folk have taken offence to the fact that we have been asked to do these things as they dont like our music. anyone checking back will see this is the case - fact.

    Personally i think it is a bit sad that on a forum for aberdeen music instead of sharing ideas/contacts people spend their time slagging off others in the scene because basically they dont like the music.the whole point about the music scene is that it is diverse if it wasnt it would be boring!! there is plenty musi ci dont like but i appreciate the fact that people have different tastes and beleive in what they do.

    regards 5 pages of people trying to tellme whats wrong with my attitude - again bollocks. again i go back to how i even got on the site it was actually because several folk had actually taken offence to us being on the radio as we are not alternative enough for them or something.

    i would actually be very surprised if some of the people who are slagging us off have seen our newsletters, checked our website or come to our gigs yet based on what has been said by others have a formed opinion on what we do. We dont ram oursleves down peoples throats we just make the best of the oppurtunities we get which i hope all band would.

    so regards attitude, arrogance and the like - its a bit sad that that is the opinion by some because i dont hare certain opinions of regular users of the site. I dont say that my opinion is right and others are wrong just that they are different - no problem. It has actually been an interesting debate in some ways with Stuart and throughout this a lot of really good aberdeen bands have been mentioned who are doing well so a lot of positives have come out of it.

    just to further annoy the few folk who have taken so much offence i will repeat what i have said on just about every thread in the last few day-

    music is a matter of opinion, not everyone likes the same thing!! (what arrogance to say such a thing)

  3. so many comments so little time

    GSN deserve all the slagging they get! That thing about people from this website coming onto your website to slag you off is certainly not true in my case. I've never been interested enough in your band to check your website. You seem to over-estimate the importance of your band. Maybe there is a lot of people who like your band but are you going to be important to anybody? I very much doubt it. Don't you have a hot female lead singer? Shouldn't she do more of the promotion. You seem to be one one big ego trip which a lot of people have picked up on it.

    what a well structured and interesting point you have made there. i think you said that a couple of days ago to kick this whole debate off did you not so well done on sticking to your guns.

    sorry to be fair you have progressed .. slightly.. you can now attempt nasty little personal comments as well. well done and obviously your fine and valid points will be taken on board with all the good intentions that they were made with!

  4. at last harmony

    There are a number of acts in Aberdeen at the moment doing well' date=' MMw, the Little Kicks, Jo, Girl Said No, and a few others etc, all of these acts have been off touring this year, all have received national press etc and all are reaching outside of Aberdeen to bigger audiences. Aberdeen is doing well at the moment,



    at last something we agree on! as i have said throughout all the slaggings over the last couple of days there is a real movement happening in aberdeen with so many bands doing well and also the fact that there is so much diversity in the scene, thus if you dont like one there will always be another quality band around that you can follow.

    it is a really positive time and the fact that there are so many good bands obviously lends itself to the debate of who is better than who, which in fact is not relevant as each band has its own sound/identity and thus not really comparable on music terms

  5. oh repent ye sinner!

    Except thats not what you said:

    "As one of the few local acts an and in some ways the flagship band for the north east GSN hit the stage after one of the many unknown cheesy Glaswegian Hip Hop/Girl Band/Boy Band who filled between the main starts of the event. Should there have been more local acts as opposed to the likes of Streetside(who?) and 3 Style (WHo?)' date=' probably but at the end of the day it was still a great event.

    GSN played one of the longest sets of the day with a five song set as opposed to the standard three songs. All the songs were from the new CD and went down a storm...as did the GSN beachballs which were fired into the crowd during 'Blowing Away'. 'Heavy stereo' closed the set and with a cracking drum intro from The King (thats Stuart King) which had the crowd bouncing all the way through to the big solo finish - GSN stole the show!!."

    "Eventually though she got there, GSn went on stage, Stole the show "

    That is edited.

    Good luck on the deal with the major Indie label etc, maybe things'll be better when you have a press office checking what you say.



    Sorry, I honestly dont see any problem with that!!

    yes slagged off unknown glaswegian pop acts and said should have been more local acts which is our opinion (which i am sure is shared)

    regards flagship for north east in that we were one of the only recognised (for better or worse) local bands on the bill

    obviously I said GSN stole the show which in the context of what was written i dont think it is exactly claiming we are the saviours of world music , i really cant see why that is getting you and others so upset.

  6. OK first of all' date=' you're not exactly complimenting the bands from Glasgow in your site, they may not be very good, thats your opinion and is usually fine to mention your personal opinion in a thread on a forum etc (unless you end up in court), but to mention it on your website is not exactly respectfull or professional. A band presenting something on a website is very different imo from someone from a band mentioning their thoughts on a forum.

    I'm not putting you down as a band playing music - I'm not overly keen on what you do, but as you said music is subjective, I'm sure you're not a fan of a lot of the bands I like (sometimes I think no-one else is :p), I've already congratulated you on your presales, you have achieved some good things, but I also think that the way you talk about other acts etc on your website shows a distinct lack of professionalism. You may not think I'm professional and thats your opinion of me, and its the same as mine of you, but I know from people who have worked with GSN professionally that the attitude shown on the site mirrors the attitude shown by the band which is a shame.

    Maybe a lot of your comments were tongue in cheek, but then maybe its time to get the point that that is lost on a lot of people and that you might find yourself more popular if you didnt do it.



    our website is about girl said no and their opinions so why would they not match what is said in a forum?

    Ill say it again on the forum for those reading who have missed the start of this thread - i feel that free at the dee would have been better if it featured more local acts rather than unknown glaswegian pop acts... no great shakes and still dont see how that has become so offensive. i am would think that a lot of people would agree with me on that.. though probably not on this thread!!

  7. the wa is over...or is it

    The point is to be confident but to have respect for the rest of the people on the scene as well. There is professionalism too' date=' you can say that you believe in your music without putting down other acts.

    People dont resent success at all, as is pointed out, look at the Little Kicks - people like them, people dont like the attitude that goes with many of the acts. Girl Said No suffer from the fact that they have a tendency to exagerate instead of reporting the facts.



    sorry 5 pages of slagging now

    i dont see when i have been putting down other bands, the only band that seems to be getting put down is Girl Said No. Look back through the threads and i have done nothing but compliment other bands within Aberdeen.

    the majority of comments are simply because people on this site dont like our music or get what we do and thus resent us for trying to be succesfull, whereas we do what we do and have nothing but support and admiration for others in the scene who are doing well.

    in fact if nothing else, apart from the attacks on GSN, from this thread people looking in will see that there is a lot of positive things happening within the scene and may encourage them to push on.

    regards exagerating we say things how we see them and try to present them on the website in a light hearted way. the same with our radio interview a lot said was tongue in cheek but obviously the irony was lost on most. i presume joky comments like 'there are 3 number 1's and 3 number 2 singles on the cd' are what have caused the commotion that has seen the attack on not one but 2 threads over the last few days.

    anyway as i have said all the way through everyone is entitled to their own opinion and i have mine. i dont expect everyone to agree with me so i cant see how others would expect me to apologise or back down to suit their opinions.

    as someone once said recently regarding proffesionalism someone once said something about belief without putting down others ( see top ) it may be time to practice what you preach


  8. This thread has been ridiculously fascinating' date=' don't you all love me for starting it? :)

    Anyhoo - from what I understand of "how it works" elsewhere, if you don't make yourself out to be the best thing ever, you'll end up being ignored. Aberdeen is ridiculously strange like this - a lot of people simply don't like success here, and in some respects, failing repeatedly is often rewarded and success is often slagged off.


    dont know mate Ive just had about 4 pages of abuse for enjoying being in my band!!

  9. Attitude is something I think you guys have wrong. For example... it gets you no respect simply listing your achievments... the band I'm in have achieved rather a lot and I don't go around posting about it every 5 seconds.... WOW We've had our video played on Mtv2!!! I played in america before I hit the age of 19 at the biggest music festival in the world! WOW! We've had records sell out down in Rough Trade in London! WOW! We've had prime airplay on Radio One! *ooooh I wet myself* At the end of the day we're still here in aberdeen like you... having not "made it" and having not "taken over the world"*

    It doesn't get you anymore respect... and basically seeing yourself through rose tinted glasses then writing the slurry that seeps through your eyeballs doesn't either. Plenty other Aberdeen acts have achieved more than you and don't swagger about chanting about it.

    What you guys have achieved is great but I think most people's problems with you stem from the fact that you're making fools of yourselves by talking yourselves up.... surely if you were that great other people would do the talking up for you?

    *Thankyou NME

    just have to agree to disagree i dont see anything wrong with talking up your band and would not hold it against anyone to say what they have achieved and when i hear about a band doing well from aberdeen i think it is a great thing.

    as i always say the more bands that are doing well the better it is for everyone. for some reason i get the impression that no one believes we work hard at what we do and that is the only annoying thing for me.

    regards yourselves more power to you and much respect to you guys for what you have done. i know when i started out in bands it was bands that were out making a name for themselves that motivated me and guys like yourself should be talking yourselves up as you would most likely be an inspiration to people who are trying to make it as they can see that you can make an impact from aberdeen by sticking to your principles and doing what you do.

    forums like this i thought would be about sharing information and contacts that you have found in places like radio, venues etc rather than a place to slag people off for getting stuff done... but maybe thats just wishfull thinking

    all the best

  10. All bands should take criticism on board' date=' it's the only way you learn how to evolve for fuck's sake. That's an incredibly arrogant way of thinking - you;re basically saying "we know better than everyone else. If you don't think it's good, you're shit".[/quote']


    so because we dont want to sound the same as others or act the same as others we are now arrogant. what happened to being individual?

    Regards 'if you dont think its good, youre shit' that is a bit off the page. all i have said is that if you dont like our music dont listen, the same way if i dont like a band i dont listen to them. what i dont have to do is spend my time trying to bring them down and then get upset because i find that they dont really mind people having their own opinions!

    regards being hated in the local scene etc, the only hate coming towards us is coming via this forum (and people from this forum going on to our forum) and has done long before i went on the radio and had a bit of crack so nothing new has happened. i still go see lots of bands and have a good time, including the little kicks who i agree are one of many great bands on the local scene. i have yet to be approached by the agreived 'local scene ' people i have supposedly disgruntled so badly!!

    anyway i must go back to my 'cuntish' ways but will be back later to see what this last paragraph has done to upset the local community!!

    take it easy

  11. You're missing the point somewhat. Would I like you a lot more if you were a bit more honest in the way you run things and were a bit more realistic in your statements ? Yes I would. I know for a fact that the arrogance you've shown in the past and the way you put things across has put people off you as a band. I like pop music' date=' I manage a pop band, I think your stuff is somewhat unoriginal but its adequately put together and put out there which is more than can be said for a lot of Aberdeen bands, however its the attitude that puts me off more than anything else, that and the lack of professionalism.

    There's nothing wrong with talking yourself up, I can hardly be accused of not doing that to my acts HOWEVER what I mention is always 100% accurate, I would never state something like they stole the show at a 60,000 capacity just because they played it when its obviously not true. There's nothing wrong with believing you're in a good band and believing in yourself, but you to state you're categorically better than people that say 90% of the crowd came to see seems somewhat ridiculous, if that was the case then surely you're EP sales would be up around 3000 now if say 5% of the crowd liked what you do, 3-5% is usually what you can possibly get from a support slot in CD sales from my experience, sometimes as much as 10%, so you should be on 3000 presales if my figures are correct, your website puts the sales at 500, surely if the crowd believed you stole the show the figures would be higher (btw 500 presales is very respectable, well done on that).

    I dont have an axe to grind, I just think that a bit of honesty in your achievements etc would make people respect you a lot more.



    cd sales are going pretty good, closer the 850 mark now but probably missed an oppurtunity by not getting them in the shops on time .. but live and learn!

    regards saying we stole the show as far as we think we had a great gig and thats how we remember it. will everyone agree...obviously not. ask 20 people there who stole the show for them and you will probably get a few different answers. my personal opinion was that The Storm Petrels, Us, Amber and Estrella were the best on show that day. do i expect everyone to agree? no

    anyway this is becoming a competition on who gets the last word on the best way to move a band forward. probably best to say do what is most natural for you and go with your instincts. sometimes i may be right sometimes wrong but at least i will be happy i have done the best i can.

    Again, good luck to all you and all your acts for the future... i am sure you wish us the same!!

  12. its nice to be nice

    Not sure why you think I'm bitter' date=' I'm more than happy with where any band I'm involved with is going/has gone. I am actually very chilled and as I said I just prefer bands to be honest and open etc about what they achieve/do. I can't believe you can really think you got a better reception than Rachel Stevens etc ? That would be how you'd steal the show from them, get a better reception. I'm not sure I've ever seen any of the bands I work with steal a show they've supported at a big gig purely because the people are there to see the headlining band.



    i think we just look at things differently. As a band and as people we are not self depreciating, are confident and believe in what we do so why would we talk ourselves down just to pander to people that have no interest in the band. Would people like yourself like us more if we didnt think we were good or stayed quiet about our achievements?

    i doubt it and it is just not in our nature to be negative about what we do. Personally, i would expect anyone in a band to think their band was better than everyone elses as if you dont have that belief then you are missing the point a bit.

    As with yourself i say what i think and dont expect everyone to share my opinion on what we do, what i do is talk honestly on how things are going from the bands perspective as that is how i see things.

    good luck to your various groups etc i would be well happy seeing any band do well and making a big break. i will also watch closely to learn how to get noticed without any self publicity/talking up etc

    Have a NICE day

  13. the Storm Petrels are from Arbroath and when they started did a lot of their gigging and stuff through in Aberdeen. I thought Estrella were aberdeen based as they had won the Aberdeen Battle of the Bands thing to get on the line up and i also seen them play a couple of heats in a drummonds battle of the bands...

    could be wrong but still feel that there should have been a bigger representation of local bands on the line up. As a forum it certainly raised our profile, obviously a lot of negative comments on the forum but if you are up there you expect to be shot down!

    on the positivesideit definitely boosted cd sales and increased greatly the amount of hits on our website as well as being able to make a few decent contacts within the industry.

  14. All i did was make a comment with a direct quote from your website. You did not steal the show at Free at the Dee' date=' if you had done then if nothing else there would have beenstreams of praise for you on this website *looks around* nope there isnt any...

    Your promotion may open the right doors occasionally but in general it puts off the general populace, surely what you're aiming to do is to make yourself as potentially popular as possible, do you think slagging off the other bands at Free at the Dee does that ? Maybe they were crap but for God's sake a little professionalism.

    I'm all for Aberdeen bands breaking out, I just prefer them to do it on talent alone and without the need to lie to their fans and press,and if you're going to do it at least make it convincing.

    "Stayover, 3 times Grammy nominated million selling pop/punk band play the Moorings", which we're as likely to hear as you guys stealing the show in front of 60,000 people, especially when some of us were actually there and no-one else commented,well not positively !



    haha knew you couldnt resist!

    regards comments made on our website regards free at the dee what i said was that i felt that there were a lot of unknown glaswegian acts on the bill when it would have been more appropriate to have more local bands, like Stayover for example, on the line up and also highlighted how good the local acts that did play were - the storm petrels, estrella and Amber. t. as free at the dee is so large it would be great if more of the quality local bands were in the line up. that is not slagging of bands that is talking up the Aberdeen music scene. for examples of slagging off check back on you last posts in this and other streams that is slagging off!!

    as for stealing the show, i thought we did, but music is a matter of opinions

    regards popularity we do ok and are progressing in our own way and maybe our fanbase doesnt encompass people that use this site as the majority of people at our gigs dont go to see other bands in drummonds/drakes etc.

    Unfortunately it seems you dont get us and what we do, a lot of stuff is very much tongue in cheek and the majority of our people get that but it is obviously lost on you.

    Heres a thought, maybe you should chill out - all this bitterness is not good for you

  15. Stalker Alert

    GSN are the 'hottest' band in Aberdeen and with regards to Free at the Dee: "GSn went on stage' date=' Stole the show", if you dont know them then you know nothing !!!

    Shocking !! the youth of today !!




    Your dedication to slagging Girl Said No off is tremendous and i have warned the band to watch out for a stalker with a grudge!!

    i can only guess as to how we upset you - maybe slept with your girlfriend/laughed at you in gym class/stole your lunch money or maybe you really like the band and feel guilty about it

    Anyway keep it up as it always brings a smile, but i suppose thats what jesters do!!

  16. I wasn't there but I heard GSN on the radio. Not my thing at all but I was very impressed. Did I hear right that you guys are on the verge of big things? If so' date=' good luck to you and don't look back cos you won't be missing fuck all in the deen.[/quote']

    Cheers man, good to hear some positive comments on this site. As you will know from experience the only thing guaranteed in Aberdeen is that as soon as you do well someone will take offence to what you do!!

    got your last cd, it was quality

  17. Best wishes there's no way in the world I would begrudge you guys sucsess but that interview (On northsound) was one of the most painful things I've ever had to sit through. You just talked about how great you are. You were talking like footballers! Find something interesting and relevant to say about the world if you want to appeal to a wider audience. I honestly feel if you done this you guys would look better. Im not attacking cos im 'Alternative' but I don't like the attitude. Ok as I stated above I don't like your bands music but I think that you should take these criticisms on board in terms of your image. It might even help you get a record deal in this country.


    unfortunately we enjoy our music and dont have any urge to express our views on the world on anyone. music is about enjoyement and with regards having something meaningful to say - thats very noble and i am sure if it was you you would be saving the world! But we just went onto Northsound played some tunes and had a laugh obviously a lot of it went over yours and others heads but i wont be losing sleep over it.

    regards criticism, why would we take it on board?

    we play the music we write and enjoy and act as normal, maybe we dont take it as serious as yourself and worry about the social implications and how it would upset someone like yourself!

    we are lucky enough to have a large following who enjoy the music, buy the cds, come to gigs etc

    just a wee thing relating to another point on the forum regarding promotion the reason we get on the radio ( northsound 5 times/radio scotland 2 times/radio clyde 4 times) to do sessions/have interviews which upset the natives is because we are constantly promoting the band and trying to get ourselves noticed. you seem to think we have it easier than everyone else but we work just as hard as the rest of the top bands in aberdeen to get ourselves noticed hence why we do se well.

    take it easy

  18. the new most hated band, Girl Said No

    Simple solution. Don't play gigs in Aberdeen - cos it's a shit hole' date=' promote your own fucking band.

    I know that all you cunts hate Lady Mercedes, but we've never relied on promoters to do anything for us with the exception of one gig at Moshulu, which was too good an opportunity to turn down even if we were obviously all over the place and clearly not ready for that gig. We've booked and promoted hundreds of gigs around Scotland through travelling hundreds of miles to meet people. Why should it be different for everyone else.

    It appears that too many people take promoters for granted. If you aint happy then cut out the middle man.[/quote']

    as the new most hated band i have to agree with him. seems to be a lot of moaning about no help from promoters etc. if you want t have a packed gig get out and promote it yourself.

    Girl Said No always promote every headline gig ourselves whether it be Glasgow, thurso, inverness or the lemon tree in aberdeen. we book our own gigs and make sure we have a crowd.

    whether it be building up your database by any means necessary, flyering, postering, hassling the radio for months to get on and get to play / give away tickets.

    the only way to make decent money gigging is to take a share of the ticket sales and then make sure you sell them out.

    As with Lady Mercedes everyone knows who Girl Said No are and though most of the comments are negative on this site the fact that both bands are talked about shows that the promotion done was right and people know who the bands are , talk about them and thus promote them further.

    the only way to get a crowd and make money is to get off your ass and get your name out there, if you leave it to a promoter

    a. all they do is stick up a couple of posters round the venue

    b. they wont book you again as you dont bring a crowd

  19. natural order has been resolved

    just checked in and good to see that the 'alternative' crowd are back on the Girl Said No attack.

    I take it as a compliment that we mean that much to so many that we always seem to crop up in conversation with certain folk on this site.

    If promoting yourself the best you can is 'head up our own arses' then so be it.

    we are not an indie/alternative band as you would call it, never cared to be and are definitely more on the commercial poppier side which is what we like and fortunately enough for us we have a good following who like what we do.

    it is sad to see the same old folk slagging off other local bands who are trying to make it. we try to get to as many gigs as we can and support the local scene as there are some brilliant bands out there playing there own style of music and attracting there own following and making inroads within the industry.

    maybe you should keep in mind that any band that starts doing well from the city attracts more interest to other bands within the scene

    anyway please keep slagging away as it helps people remember that we exist while we head out to Spain.

    take it easy

  20. Girl Said No are looking for a new bass player. our precviou bass player, Ewan has decided that he does not want to commit to a record contract and touring/recording/fame etc

    We have record contract ready to sign which will see releases in Spain and the UK before the end of the year and will see us have mahjor media coverage across europe.

    we are also booked to play several gigs in spain before the end of the year some to upwards of 14000.

    this is a serious offer for someone who looks good, has the ability and the dedication to make it big.

    check out www.girlsaidno.co.uk if you havent heard us before. the old tunes are there and although slightly dated just now they will give you a rough idea.

    age wise between 22-28 is ideal, male or female considered.

    also if you have strong vocals for harmonies etc this will be a bonus.

    we are in a ruch to get someone as first spannish gig is 22 october

  21. What did you make of Free at The Dee

    was anyone at free at the dee?

    the usual cheesfest was there but some credibility was given by local acts local acts -

    Girl Said No, The Storm Petrels, Amber and Estrella

    Also did anyone notice El Presidente's CD skipping as they mimed through 'without you

  22. Cheers

    one of the most frustrating things in the aberdeen music scene is the backstabbing of bands. a lot of bands spend too much time moaning about what they are not getting compared to bands like us as opposed to actually going out and doing something about it.

    the more times we sell out the lemon tree the more times we get slated on sites like these when maybe bands should be looking at how we generate our promotion and get big suport.

    we do a lot of gigs all over and more recently a lot down glasgow way and i think the aberdeen music scene is one of the best as there is such a diversity in the music. when you look at the bands that are starting to make a name for themselves and are getting noticed it tells you all you need to know about what the scene. From the more commercial music of ourselves, the acoustic music of the cellers all the way through to bands such as Hot Mangu and Karloff with bands like the wildcards in between you have so many bands playing their own style of music and not trying to fit in with whats going on around them which is quality.

    Shows such as Al Lorraines on Northsound in the long run may help break more bands to a wider audience. with regards to it not being alternative enough - so what! it is still opening up a chanel to bands in the scene that wasnt there a week ago. and who knows maybe in the next couple of weeks some real 'alternative' bands will make an effort to get on the programme and then it will be a really 'alternatve' show.

    take it easy

  23. thanks for the accolades!! we have had many comparisons but certainly not Oasis usually much more offensive than that.. need to get ourselves some skateboards and a screamer to be good it would seem.

    regards the show Al is a decent guy and is trying to push the boundary a bit and create something that will add to the local scene.. something really lacking on Northsound since the dismissal of big Del Franklin. the good thing is he is passionate about his music and really wants to develop the show

    fair enough we were asked on to do the opening show because we are playing free at the dee and have a big following (though i wouldnt really class us as alternative) but it is open to all bands.

    off air Alan did mention he was really disapointed with the response he had from bands looking to get on the show so if you do play and are able to do it acoustic you should get your cds in.

    the set up was pretty decent, we did a session on radio scotland a couple of weeks ago and definitely got more talking time plus as well as getting the 2 live tracks we also got 1 of the tunes off the new cd so it is well worth doing

    regards exposure we had 150 pre orders of our cd on our website last night based on the show so must have had a pretty good number of folk listening

    looking forward to hearing some quality 'alternative bands' on the show in the coming weeks

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