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Posts posted by neilunderscorecooper

  1. anyone want to start a proper hardcore band, ie none of the usual pish.

    i cant play anything so i guess id have to shout.

    and thurisaz is up for playing guitar

    so we need some other folks

    looking for something sounding like but not the same as comeback kid, stretch armstrong, sick of it all, divide, 7 seconds, bane, avail, earth crisis

    maybe with a few beatdowns thrown in for fun

    id like this to be a laugh, not a serious ooooh look we have drawn x's on our hands, basically a bunch of dudes or ladies getting together mess about

    any takers?

  2. who knows. ive seen some bands play in tuts who you would think would have played a bigger venue, i guess its all down to ticket sales.

    they never moved up sick of it all, most precious blood and bleeding through up and that had sold out 3 months before the gig.

  3. they have a 5 track ep called this is meant to hurt you which we sell in my shop but i think its 13 quid, and they have a new album out on jade tree (cant remember what its called) but they have that in one up. i think 2 or 3 of botch are in the band.

    i have the ep on pink vinyl hehe!

  4. im just stating my opinion

    gigs are usually in dark, sweaty places where you come out stinking, what is the point of making a massive effort in the way you look?

    yeah i used to be really into tbs (so i wouldnt say i was somebody into hard core elitism) but i got fed up with them, just grown out of them i guess. i didnt really enjoy the gig as there were far too many people there. i think they would be much better in a smaller venue.

    i am really fucking sorry you dont like the way i see things but im not some 17 year old kid who has just been to my first gig, ive been going to gigs for 8 ish years now and ive seen things change, some good, some bad.

    and dont get me started on snobbish people as i wont shut up.

  5. i saw them when they last played in glasgow and it wasnt that good to be honest, maybe if it had been the year before and they played at king tuts like they were supposed to then i think it would have been good.

    but there were far too many screaming kids

    and what is it with girls (and some guys) getting far too dressed up to go to gigs these days (i should actually use the word 'shows' because im soooooo american)

    id hate to be a girl at a gig, you go to the bathroom and try to wash your hands but there are 20 other girls sorting their make up in the mirror beacause its so hot.

  6. last of the g3 imacs made, the top spec model

    700 processor speed (double speed to get a rough pc speed)

    60gb hard drive

    cd/rw writer

    256 ram

    loads of software on it (illustrator, photoshop, dreamweaver, flash)

    usual apple software (imovie, iphoto, itunes, safari)

    ive had this for a couple of years, fully updated running mac osx 10.3.5 and 9.1 (i think)

    also has over 16GB of music on it

    all depends who wants this whether i format it or not as there is loads of cool stuff on it but also loads of shite

    im only selling as ive upgraded to an ibook

    im thinking 300 - 350

    any offers?

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