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Posts posted by imprinted

  1. My Baby's.....

    Ken Smith BSR6EG - 6 string fretted This one - (www.kensmithbasses.com/models/limitededition/3_8_limitededition.html)

    Pedulla Pentabuzz - 5 string fretless

    JoeMeek VC6 - Pre-amp and compressor

    Alesis Quadraverb II - multi-effects with foot controller

    SWR SM500 - amp head

    SWR Goliath III - 4 x 10 cab

    SWR Son of Bertha - 1 x 15 cab

    Now I must get round to learning to play.........

    sweet collection of stuff! :D

  2. You'll notice that the scene points thing was brought up as an aside to the aside. ;)

    "I realise perhaps it is not your intention to offend people of the catholic faith, but then if it's not your intention to do so, why put the pontiff into any form of (allegedly) humorous surroundings following his death?"

    I will point your question back to the first answer - boredom, and it was a topic of conversation between myself and a friend when he found the second image i posted up and said he could see him being shopped into a photo of the macarena.

    also found time to put john prescott into the picture looking like he's about "to smack some booty"


    And what kind of person would I be if I wasn't trying to slither out of jail? :D

  3. You're right Mark, I could have done something contstructive with my time when bored, but alas I came up with this instead. Shame eh?

    You may also notice if you decide to read all the way through - instead of just looking at the pretty pictures - that you'll see me admitting this was due to boredom and not actual intent on offending anyone of the catholic faith. Nothing in similarity to people mocking Christopher Reid after he died, or the jokes that appeared in the days after Princess Diana etc.

    In an aside, as a rational man Mark, you'll have noticed that structuring your insult to me about trying to gain scene points is inherently flawed since I don't know any of the people that would usually "find this sort of thing funny" more to the point I don't care about them and have no real desire for it to ever happen. Plus I've got my "scene points" turned off.

    Bully for you eh? Debating team does pay off at times.

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