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Posts posted by Noir

  1. damn' date=' i wrote a proper response to this but lost it. so i'll just come clean

    yes, at 20 years old i'm way over the hill. and yeah, i fucked up my life by not going to uni and getting a dead end job, with no prospects. jesus christ, when will it end? by the way i am also addicted to crystal meth. i think i'm going to have to face the music and blow my brains out. and on my suicide note, it'll say

    "why?! why didn't i listen to them and go to uni?! then i could have led a prosperous life. goodbye, cruel world..."[/quote']

    hey man its all good, was just a abit pissed off at your initial coments.

    why does everyone hate students?

  2. errrr so tom is under 22 and workin full time. so instantly you presume he is in a dead end job with no prospects.

    *slams head against desk and awaits toms reply*

    i'm not neccessarily saying he is,

    just the viciousness of his coments implied he was that sort of person.

    "financing you CUNTS WORTHLESS 4 years "

    i know alot of people who are like that, bitter cos they've fucked up their lives.

  3. nathan barley is nothing compared to the boosh, but its still really good.

    i got the dvd and watched it the whole way through like Alvin Starclusk said above.

    its one of those things you need to get into to enjoy. much like the boosh, when most people see it for the first time their like "what the fuck?" but i'll see them a few month later and they love it!

  4. some of us pay our taxes to finance you cunts' worthless 4 year stint in the town's shitty bars.

    hence' date=' i don't give a fuck whether or not uni is finished for chritmas.[/quote']

    actually i do pay tax (PAYE income tax) and National insurance!

    and how does your tax money finance students drinking?

    someones bitter about being stuck in a dead end job with no prospects.

  5. the garthdee asda did this to me and my friend in the summer' date=' we were only buying beers and both had id but not being 21 they would sell us, so my friend emailed the head office and politly told them that this was a discrase and every embarrissing.

    the reply was that they were very sorry and this would be changed imediatly so when we went back a few days later and the same thing happend but my friend made a fuss and we got to speak to the manager and were given 10% off so we went back round the shop and bought loads[/quote']

    we have a thing like this at sainsburys, everyone thinks you have to be 21 to buy booze.

    but its only if you look under 21 then you'll have to get ID'd,

    instead of before when if we reckoned you were over 18 you got sold.

    you still need only be 18 to buy but if you look under 21 you'll get ID'd as a precaution.

    lots of kids looking older, sainsburys getting sued, etc, etc

    also, i got ID'd to buy a J2o the other day. that confused me ???

  6. there are pros and cons with these hong kong sellers.

    they do have a habit of having the auction price as 0.01p and 30 postage which is a bit annoying. i've bought stuff like cd's and random cheap stuff like an ipod radio transmitter thing and USB stuff like a bluetooth connection.

    once something never came and the guy just gave me an instant refund.

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