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Posts posted by HarleyQuinn

  1. i am SOOO pissed off with Wrestlemania 21 for SOOO many reasons

    first of all...my stupidassed boyfriend sold Raw2..which i told him not to do cuz i loved it and the characters we created were FUCKING ACE! (bring back action adamns and heavenly holly goddammit!)

    it makes me soo mad that they didnt think...actually our CAW in RAW2 is off the hook..we really dont need to change it and be all pretentious...yawn!The fact you cant create a female means i will NOT be even entering the CAW screen....which i couldnt if i wanted too cuz, lets face it, it would take too long to load even if i wanted to and i have the patience of a 4 year old.

    The glitches are ATROCIOUS! seriously! i am disgusted by the fact that if you try to walk up the stairs at the ringside you automatically get catapulted into the ring by the ropes.

    I also dont like how freakin difficult it is to eliminate people in the royale rumble...WTF!?!??!

    The one thing this game excels at (other than being shite) is how fucking sleek the wrestlers look..they all look extrememy realistic...some more than others..and its a huge thumbs up for what the XBOX can do...unfortunatley, there seems to have been too much time put into making sure stacy's legs were long enough, HHH's Sideburns were the right length etc...and not enough time on actually making it a playable game..Whats the point in having Kickass looking animation if you cant even play the game?

    I have to say i was semi-impressed by this being the first wrestling game to have everyone's (as far as i'm aware) right music and entrances...right down to edge's new music and christian kickass waterproof blonde song !:love:

    I would love to say that this game was saved by its slick graphics but i cant lie...

    I'm going to get raw 2 back...just you watch :p multiplayer season mode is the way forward!

    so as for Wrestlemania 21?

    Im sorry...even christian's HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT ass and the fact that Trish looks more like Pammy Anderson can't save you now..this game belongs in the gutter with that fucking Fight Club game!

  2. "x Just to say I'm sorry for the black eyes and bleeding lips. When it's hard to forget how many lies I've told x"

    That doesn't even make sense! Tsk' date=' that girl will never learn.


    shut it you! :p

    right...going through my msn list i've got

    -Dont touch me, its not worth the pleasure/pain

    -i'm screaming at the top of my lungs, pretneding the echoes belong to someone else

    - ill never let your head hit the bed without my hand behind it

    -lxl...between the buried and me....lxl

    -you're just the girl all the boys want to dance with and im just the boy whos had too many chances

    -noone makes me bleed like you

    -you're tearing up your photos cuz you want to forget....its over

    yeah mine doesnt seem soo emo now does it :p

  3. I agree' date=' Thundercats is just shite. It wasn't good back then, it isn't good now!

    Same goes for He-Man! The only good cartoons in the 80's were M.A.S.K. and Centurians![/quote']

    M.A.S.K was far superior to shitty thunderbrats anyday!

    and dontforget visionaries *rock* :love:

  4. Anyone as sick and confused about this turd of a song as I am? Well' date=' suddenly it all makes sense...

    Gwen Stefanis Hollaback Girl is one of the most baffling pieces of music of the modern age. Its got something to do with cheerleadersthat much is clear, judging from the chanting and the marching band thats honking and tooting in the background. Beyond that, good luck deciphering the songs ambiguities. We were so vexed by the mystery that is Hollaback Girl that we have devoted countless hours to its study. Our conclusions are below. The first thing you should know, though, is that Gwen is not singing I aint no Harlem fat girlat least, we dont think she is.

    [i']Uh huh, this my shit

    Gwen is introducing us to her shit.

    All the girls stomp your feet like this

    This talk of shit and stomping has nothing to do with actually stepping on feces. But what does it mean? From a reading of the later text, we can conclude that the song takes place in the world of high school athletics, and that Gwen is apparently leading the girls in a calisthenics exercise. The shit, we surmise, is what she calls the exercises shes teaching the other girls.

    A few times Ive been around that track

    So its not just gonna happen like that

    Here, Gwen exhorts the girls to try harder as they jog around the track, reminding them that physical fitness is not just gonna happen, but must be worked at.

    Cause I aint no hollaback girl

    I aint no hollaback girl

    These lines are the most confusing, but their meaning will become clearer later.

    Oooh, this my shit, this my shit

    Gwen repeats this four more times. She wants to make sure that we are well acquainted with her shit.

    I heard that you were talking shit

    And you didnt think that I would hear it

    Gwen has been the victim of some slanderous high school gossip, and she doesnt appreciate it. Gwen is 35 years old sliding into MILF status at this point, but well grant her some poetic license.

    People hear you talking like that, getting everybody fired up

    So Im ready to attack, gonna lead the pack

    Gwen is going to round up a posse of her girlfriends and retaliate against the person whos been talking smack about her.

    Gonna get a touchdown, gonna take you out

    Gwen is going to beat up the person who wronged her, after she completes the cheerleading routine that will inspire the football team to score a touchdown. Gwen has interesting priorities.

    Thats right, put your pom-poms down, getting everybody fired up

    It seems the entire cheerleading squad is going to beat up the person who spoke ill of Gwen; they have put down their pom-poms, and they are now fired up to exact swift and terrible vengeance on Gwens behalf.

    A few times Ive been around that track

    So its not just gonna happen like that

    Cause I aint no hollaback girl

    I aint no hollaback girl

    Gwen is apparently the captain of the cheerleader squad; she is the girl who hollas the chants, not one of the girls who simply hollas them back. Given that the squad is preparing to beat somebody up on Gwens behalf, shes picked a strange time to remind them that she is their leader and they are her sheep-like followers. Gwen obviously rules her squad with an iron fist.

    Oooh, this my shit, this my shit [repeated four times]

    Again with the shit.

    So thats right dude, meet me at the bleachers

    No principals, no student-teachers

    Both of us want to be the winner, but there can only be one

    So Im gonna fight, gonna give it my all

    We learn that it was a dude who gossiped about Gwen. She challenges him to a fight at the bleachers. If he imagines it will be a fair, one-on-one fight, he is sadly mistaken. Gwen and her aforementioned pack will pounce on him like rabid wolves.

    Gonna make you fall, gonna sock it to you

    Thats right, Im the last one standing, another one bites the dust

    Gwens pack of furious cheerleaders leaves the boy a quivering, bloody heap behind the bleachers for the groundskeeper to discover the next day.

    A few times Ive been around that track

    So its not just gonna happen like that

    Cause I aint no hollaback girl

    I aint no hollaback girl

    Having completed their ghastly work, Gwens squad members return to the field and resume their cheerleading activities, as Gwen reminds them once more that she is the boss and they are all her bitches.

    Oooh, this my shit, this my shit [repeated four times]

    By calling her exercise routines shit, Gwen is showing us that for all her bravado, the character in this song secretly suffers from profound self-esteem issues. She is a complex antiheroine for an age of changing gender attitudes and expectations.

    Let me hear you say, this shit is bananas


    Here, Gwen steps away from this bloody spectacle for a moment to comment on the madness and ugliness of what weve just witnessed, and, by extension, the petty rivalries of high school in general. This shit is bananas, Gwen tells us, and we can only agree. And lest we miss the point, she spells it out. And repeats it another three times.

    A few times Ive been around that track

    So its not just gonna happen like that

    Cause I aint no hollaback girl

    I aint no hollaback girl

    Back on the field, Gwen is still bullying the squad to carry out her routines. But now we see her in a new light, as the sad, lost creature she truly is.

    Oooh, this my shit, this my shit [repeated four times]

    As the song fades out, Gwen is left only with her shit, the mindless exercises that bring her no comfort from the raging emptiness within. As much as she hollas, no one hears her cries for help.

    you're just pissed off cuz i made you watch it a couple of weeks ago just so i could hear the B-A-N-A-N-A-S bit :p

  5. you' date=' sir, are in no position to comment on making fun of people with any kind of affliction.

    To those who have ADHD, I apologise, and hopefully they will realise this was not a slight against them.[/quote']

    you better apologise to us.

    and even though i think its ridiculous for people to get on at My Logan for soemthing that happened ages ago i feel i have to say this....

    the guy is not homeless...nor does he have "mental health problems" he just walks funny! :p

    how about getting on at the people who actually did say stuff about the homeless like the girl at the top of belmont street.


    ps - JLC is a fucking leg - end

  6. A: American Psycho

    B: Battle Royale

    C: Cnderella Story

    D: Don't Be A Menace To South Central While Drinking Your Juice In The Hood

    E: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    F: Fifth Element

    G: Garden State

    H: Harry Potter & The Prisoner Of Azkaban (mmmm Gary Oldman :love:)

    I: Incredibles, The

    J: Josie And The Pussycats

    K: Kill Bill

    L: Love Actually

    M: Moulin Rouge!

    N: Natural Born Killers

    O: 'O'

    P: Pulp Fiction

    Q: Queen of the Damned

    R: Returner, The

    S: Sonatine

    T: Team America - World Police

    U: Underworld

    V: Versus

    W: weekend At Bernies

    X: X-Men

    Y: Young Frankenstein

    Z: Zatoichi

  7. Actually i'd love a download' date=' we never actually got the chance to see it,



    my entire year at my school watched it in the common room on video today:D

    and welcome James...My boyfriend (Logan up there^) says your stuff is good so i'll have to give it a listen. hope you enjoy ab- music...and watch out for the obnoxious people who'll make a fight out of anything...(or a courtcase)

  8. After a Lobo movie...

    i REALLY dont like lobo...hes just so fucking hairy :down:

    Sin City though...lookin fucking ace!!!!!!!!!!!

    there's a bit in the trailer where,, i think its brittany murphy, winks and im soo convinced she looks like hilary duff...man she'd really bring the film down .

    Im interested to see josh hartnett in it, about time he did something a bit meatier than pretty boy movies..and quentin's direction :love:

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