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Thee Alex

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Posts posted by Thee Alex

  1. Even though I didn't live in Aberdeen when I was in Scotland and even though I only ever played Drakes once I have to chip in and agree that it is a real shame that it is closing.

    It is more than a year since I played there with Tarzan Stripes on a freezing January night to about 4 people but I still remember it as one of my favourite gigs of 2004.

    Good luck with whatever the Drakes people decide to do next.


    Thee Moths

  2. Thanks to the few people who came along! I had a great time and would love to come back. Special thanks to Neil Hookers Green for putting Tom and I up, Sharon for putting the gig on and being so friendly, the soundguy for being so sound and Mr Future Galloway for wearing a crazy eyehat and singing his lovely songs.

  3. Looks like I will be able to bring some vinyl as well. Going to make some CDR's of stuff too, maybe put a couple of live recordings on one and I might make a limited edition compilation of various singles and comp appearances for the evening.

    Might have some copies of my second minibook with me as well.

  4. I don't think the label will have sent any up in time for the show so I am thinking of making some mp3 disks with as much of thee moths as I can fit on (which will be pretty much everything!) - they'll be for sale for a quid or so I guess.

    Will try and get some vinyl off the label though!

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