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Steven Milne

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Posts posted by Steven Milne

  1. I agree with ian.

    Bands should be prepared and its their responsibility to promote themselves.

    Not soley as the venue should have advertising and relevant promotion also but its in the bands interets to promote themselves in any way they can.Simple really, if its busier they play to more people, get paid better and both the venue and band can be happy.

    We played in a venue in London.The 333.Bit of a shithole but was a spare day of a week of gigs so better playing than not.The contract stipulated that once they had collected their costs for advertising/ venue hire and sound man etc. The bands would be paid on the basis of how many people they brought in and the money split from the door.Fair Enough.

    On a Tuesday night, four band bill at 4/5 to get in,the little kicks brought between 30 and 40 people down (pretty good for being from up here and the other bands from nearer town brought less) and were offered the payment of a 1. Not only did we watch the promoter walk in and put the gig posters up at soundcheck that day, when we left (understandably pissed off) the crowd came with us , leaving it empty so we were the only ones to bring folk down after all!

    Although obviously its easier to promote something up here compared to the massiveness of london town...

    I think we honestly have it fairly lucky up here, there arent many venues who dont try and promote their venues and most owners (particularly eric at drummonds and tunnels) are always very fair when it comes to payment for gigs.

    Especially if they see you ve made an effort to promote it.

  2. I dont think these much exactly wrong with the aberdeen music scene that isnt wrong with any other city?In my opinion.However, im open to anything so i may be bad judge.

    There arent as many good bands in Aberdeen as there could and should be.And yes there is a lot of SHITE.But its the same elsewhere, Edinburgh and Glasgow and London along with most other places have TONS AND TONS more bad bands compared to the good ones.But they have a higher amount of bands full stop and thus the ratio is better.

    Plus, from experience of trying to book the more well known local bands, a lot of them are trying to play Aberdeen less to get out of the city.For example, two of my favourite Aberdeen bands at the moment are Copy Ha ho and Right hand Left. Both of whom I rarely see in Aberdeen coz they are always out of town gigging and making a good name for themselves elsewhere.

    Weve played Aberdeen twice as a band in the last three months (not counting solo / 2 x accoustic band gigs).No anti - aberdeen reason apart from were trying to be a bit more selective with gigs so were not over-exposing ourselves.

    So as a result, the venues have to fill their venues during the week somehow, so undoubtedly your going to get a fair amount of nights where the bands arent the most amazing bands you could see and occasionally just shite!

    I think Aberdeen is healthy, our Thursdays at Snafu are doing good and we have an out of town band every week (with a fitting local support) for 3. Giles Sister Resist night is totally underrated and well priced too. Pomoters like Sharon,Rebbeca at tunnels, Kabuki, jamesy moshulu) who all contribute to putting good gigs on and make the scene good.

    I think we should be supporting the good bands who have potential (they know who) and the nights and promoters who make an effort consistently for the scene ( again they know).

    "For the future, lets get a NXNE festival here"

    I totally agree with Project Ven Hell on this.Go North was good last year for the first time and its not coming back so all the venues should work together to do something! plus if all the bands colaborated with any contacts they had and worked together to help each other out everyine could benefit.


    I agree too.The time wasted in moaning and reading this thread bands could be started and songs written instead of negative banter!Plus if the scene annoys people so much surely they could use their dismay to form their own band and challenge the stuff they see as deriviative.

    As for that Maps band , god what a racket! :laughing: kidding

    good beards though

  3. Hey peeps,

    In keeping with the rest of the countries John Peel activities of that day, DJ A la Fu has organised a John Peel tribute for thursday night to take place at the usual Dirty Hearts Club @ Snafu.

    Line up includes;

    Uncle John and Whitelock

    Infinite Lives

    DJ a la Fu (live set)


    Uncle John and Whitelock (from Last FM website)

    THE Absurd Uncle John and Whitelock in Black and White" was how they once titled one of their art-blues happenings, the one in question being conducted at the ICA in London. Appropriately enough, this near sold-out first gig of the year on home turf was a chance for the quintet to get some practice in before a return visit to the capital venue this week as special guests of Mogwai. Yet it also let their audience reacquaint themselves with just how absurd yet wonderful an idea this band really are.

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    The five-piece present themselves as utterly contemporary. Yet to hear them play live is to have your preconceptions knocked, as they conjure up an evocative set of swamp rock that shouldn't conceivably originate on this side of the Atlantic.

    Using just bass, drums, keyboards and a pair of guitars, the music is a blend of bayou creepiness reminiscent of early Dr John and a sombre David Lynch atmosphere. The band's originators, the titular Uncle John and Whitelock - aka vocalist and guitarist Jacob Lovatt and bassist Raydale Dower - arguably lend most of this atmosphere, with Lovatt in particular offering a grizzled vocal which places him with such rough-diamond heroes as Dr John, Tom Waits and Nick Cave.

    Elsewhere, Dower's bass and drummer Matthew Black's playing undoubtedly contribute the heart of the band's musical appeal.

    While the shimmering guitars and keyboard which punctuate each song alongside Lovatt's spoken-word growls add wonderful effect, it's when Dower, holding his guitar at almost a vertical angle, and Black rouse a firm beat from their instruments that their otherwise interesting songs become truly exciting. An oddly must-see experience.


    so hard to describe

    off the wall?/ avant garde?/ storytelling? / rap?

    all of the above?

    DJ A LA FU

    doing a live set of his own material which should prove a must see

    Price 5

    Tickets available here :


    This night will be followed by a DJ set of peel flavoured music from the DHC DJs and A lA fu as well as other guests.


    This night is surely a must see!

    pretty rare for infinite livez to play and Uncle John and Whitelock seem on the up and up so could be a rare chance to see them in a small venue! Plus Kenny's (A LA Fu) live and Dj set will be worth catching to cap it all off! Fair play to A La Fu for booking these bands and putting a Peel night on in Aberdeen too as otherwise there wouldnt have been anything in the city for the great man himself.

    Whos up fo it?


    Next Week at DHC : People Under the Stairs / Giant Panda

  4. missed bricolage

    thought 1990s were ok.started off I liked them and then the more they played i just got bored.Liked the guitar playing but not the singing.Good idea with the three vox but the drummers vox were a bit off occassionally.tight band though and you can tell theyve played a lot of gigs by how good they are as a unit.just thought they were bit lacking in songs.

    really liked the long blondes, had giddy stratospheres for ages, amazing tune.I know what you mean about the style thing though, i heard that a while back they were basically getting slated coz they looked like they had spent too long on their wardrobe without actually learning to play or practice.But last night they were tight, good songs and shes a good frontwoman like!

    Also, did anyone else notice the girl guitarist didnt actually play anything at all during the whole of the set?well, not that i saw.When she had the guitar there was no sund and she was kinda lacklustrely strumming , then when she had the keys you couldnt really notice them either.Maybe shes just there to look cool!

  5. party

    i dint think there was enough interest so Im afraid I cancelled our Dj set as didny want to mes the resident DJ around for no reason!

    however, if a heap of folk reply to this thread we could easy do something! just got the impression that most folk were staying in after!

  6. hey guys

    us little kicks folk have been having some banter with the boys from Yeti (played tunnels last year/ john hassell (ex-libertines) band).Personally, I thought the best of the bands to come from the libertines break -up but just my opinion before people go nuts at me!

    Anyway, been discussing them playing up here again with us and was gauging interest in how much people would be interested? I reckon theyre good and they helped us get a gig in london town so theyre bloody nice chaps to boot!

    Cant remember what their myspace is so just get to it through our top friends to check them out:


  7. hey guys

    hey you crazy maps dudes! dont worry, there is a bass amp in snafu for you to use!

    spoke to hugh yesterday and he said you guys would be bringing a kit and your guitar amps so between us its covered.

    sorted tickets out with hugh too! you ok to come down for a 5pm soundcheck?

    PM me if you want to discuss stuff in private, i.e whisper sweet nothings to me, thats not just an offer to the maps guys actually, anyone ha!just kidding!

    thursday will be real good and were not playing in scumdee anymore so i can see you guys after all, my moaning last gun club about being too busy was clearly unneeded!

    hope weekend gigs went well

  8. hey shaki

    i think you guys would get a good recording from steve stanley.

    he did our ep3.we did it live as a band with keyboards and vocals overdubbed later on.So you get a live sound from the band and then as much takes at the vocals as you need.

    you guys would get a really good sound from him i think, plus hes reasonably priced.Only thing is I thnk hes quite a busy boy.

  9. Hey peeps


    local heroes making a name for themselves fast after only a handful of gigs.come see and you will be impressed.


    Well, not quite the full fiction live show,for this gig we have Mr Slater on accoustic duties.Under the name fewer emergencies showing a different side to one of aberdeens favourite bands.


    DHC DJs nick and steve till 2am

    Thursday 5th October

    Cheers peeps

    See you thursday


    Thursday 12th October

    DJ A la Fu presents:

    John Peel Night @ Snafu



    A La Fu Live Set (non DJ set)



    DHC / A La Fu DJs after till 2am

  10. hey guys

    this saturday, its my birthday and me and nick booked tunnels for a DHC party a while back so decided to combine the two and have a night of it!

    This saturday, Tunnels 2, come along as by paying 3/4 (tbc) you can get into both the good foot and our room.So youll get Martin and Kid Bell / Bens awesome tunage plus a rocking indie / electro disco from Dirty Hearts Club DJs in the other room for your cash! Its a one off night at the Tunnels with a view to doing it more regularly if supported so come down!

    anyone welcome, more the merrier

    cheers dudes


    p.s - had a few emails so to avoid confusion, this isnt the dirty hearts club moving to tunnels, its staying in and belongs to snafu and its just a DJ set on saturday with a few mates having a spin to to keep the party going!

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