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Posts posted by doofus

  1. awwww ur dog is lovely gumpy!!! i love dogs! got 2 at my rents - leo is mine but i cant look after him now i live in town and tashka is the family dog, i dont have any decent pics of her on my comp tho :( shes v pretty tho! its crazy i work with animals every day but i never get bored with them! i want to get a beagle when i get a big house and there is new type of dog that looks like a wolf!!!! ooo!!! its crossed with a husky, german shepard and something else and it looks just like a wolf but with a loving family dog nature!

    ps that cat could kill....heehe... the wee smudgen!! bless! m x

  2. so its better to put the animal through a major operation and lots of pain and stress. and all that u really need to do is to just clip there nails every couple of weeks even less sometimes!! hmm i wonder about that one!! yeah so sum cats might not put up with it then take them to the vets and spend a fiver to get it done! if u get a cat used to these things, brushing, nail clipping and general handling it can make life alot easyer but alot of owners dont relise that!

  3. heehe well that what i do at my work! im a vet nurse and we get cats in appalling condition and there coats are so matted it is an act of cruelty in itself!!!! so the best thing for the poor cat is to shave all there hair off and let them re grow it. its stupid owners who get longer haired cats and dont relise they are high maintance and leave them to get all matted and sore before they do anything about it. tho i have to admit it is so funny to see them with no hair - although i give them a little dignity and give them a lil coat left on there body, the teddy bear look lol! its probably a relief for the cats to get the coat off! poor wee cats!

  4. Dreams are so funny and weird!! i have these random dreams that im franticly packing and im ushally getting on a plane.....but its a totally diffrent scene every time,,,,but im always shoving my stuff in my bag and worried ill miss the plane or ill forget something. i often re pack and re pack. its very strange and i wake up totally agitated!

  5. awww a whole thread about t-cake!! hehee yeah

    he may be lil but hes sizeable where is counts lol!! we cant c the pic that was posted btw but its all good i know hes damn hot!!!!! this thread is v random!

  6. aw no way! my boyfriend thought the void were fantastic when we saw them ages ago!! havent been able to c them play since! we will have to try and come on wed then!!!

    best of luck for the future guys!

    ps i lived in Edin for a wee bit and the music scene just isnt as good as aberdeen!! but maybe i just didnt discover it properly so it could be ace!

    m x

  7. wost: over txt with no real reason,,,,just a load of shite really.....and then never bothering to tell u what really went on.leaving them totally miffed at what the hell happend in the last week! 'u werent what i hoped for'. like u werent even worth a phone call to explain things....whatever! im not bitter! heehe nah its all good! glad i found out then what a dick he could be instead of futher down the line when i fell for that act even more! shame cuz i did really like him and thought we totally had an ace time together. oh well!

    best: spend alot of time with the person chatting about things...going out for a bit and chilling,,,,just really taking it easy and chatting about how both of u feel and what u want in a relationship. having that undestanding that even tho u arnt going to be together in that sence u still love each other to bits.


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