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Posts posted by ghost

  1. Downloaded on Friday. Listened, contemplated, listened some more.

    To be honest the first section reminded me too much of the Pebble Mill house band. Rather cheesy and more than a little repetitive.

    When the tabla/bongos kicked in during the last section the timing went a bit to pot, would be nice to hear it in time.

    Instrumentation wise you sound pretty accompished (apart from the timing), but this song doesn't really show much creativity.

    PS: Shouldn't this be in the bloody feedback forum? :D

  2. It's one of the best suited soundtracks to a film in my opinion - at the other end of the scale you have the completely mismatched score to The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Reminded me of the mess they made of Batman too..

    sorry, veering off topic slightly, but you see my point?

    Don't own the Vangelis soundtrack, but I think it may be the next hire from the library... thanks for the memories!

  3. Jumping back a few pages - birdsong is a product of birds communicating with each other and we perceive this as music, ditto whales. So language is also music?

    Re the teacup arguement, yes that would be music. Possibly music no sane person would admit to enjoying, but music nonetheless.

    Good thread!

  4. Originally posted by Keilan 303:

    Don't want to use adapters, my mic will be in a different room from PC as it sounds like a hurricane, and when I've used 6.4mm to 3.5mm adaptors, the little bastards have acted like a mic and degraded signal, picked up huricane george whizzing away.

    I had to read that four times... go away.... have a coffee... think a little... and now I get it. Good point!

    The rest of this thread is beyond me. A++ for you all, etc.

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