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patrick boo

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Posts posted by patrick boo

  1. Yes, I saw it... amazing that in the 90 minutes of the documentary they couldn't get anything in there that hadn't been told a thousand times. A good documentary though, brought a tear to my eye in places, seeing Tony Wilson, thinking about his great stories and how he'll never tell any more in person. I lived in a tower block overlooking the Factory offices for a time, and now knowing the Hacienda is a block of poncey flats makes me not want to go back and visit.

  2. Moss the munter was on the cover of the NME last week with her skeletal arm around Bobby Gillespie. A little trick though - if you cut the offending article's head off it reveals Nabu from 'The Mighty Boosh' giving wee Bob a loving cuddle. A much more pleasing scene all round.

    ...and personally - I like a fatty actually, if it means Beth not Kate.

  3. The Bis single was rushed out by Chemikal Underground after all the interest - the reason it only charted at number 25 is the bank would only give them enough money to press 10000 singles, which all sold out. If these rules had been in place they would have charted much higher.

  4. 'Funeral Tango' by Scott Walker - for these lyrics -

    Ah, I can see them now

    Clutching a handkerchief

    And blowing me a kiss

    Discreetly asking how

    How come he died so young

    Or was he very old

    Is the body still warm

    Is it already cold

    All doors are open wide

    They poke around inside

    My desk, my drawers, my trunk

    There's nothing left to hide

    Some love letters are there

    And an old photograph

    They've l aid my poor soul bare

    And all they do is laugh

    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha - ha, ha, ha!

    Ah, I can see them all

    So formal and so stiff

    Like a sergeant-at-arms

    At the policeman's ball

    And everybody's pushing

    To be the first in line

    Their hearts upon their sleeves

    Like a ten-cent valentine

    The old women are there

    Too old to give a damn

    They even brought the kids

    Who don't know who I am

    They're thinking about the price

    Of my funeral bouquet

    What they're thinking isn't nice

    'Cause now they'll have to pay

    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha - ha, ha, ha

    Ah, I see all of you

    All of my phony friends

    Who can't wait till it ends

    Who can't wait till it's through

    Oh, I see all of you

    You've been laughing all these years

    And now all that you have left

    Are a few crocodile tears

    Ah, you don't even know

    That you're entering your hell

    As you leave my cemetery

    And you think you're doing well

    With that one who's at your side

    You're as proud as you can be

    Ah, she's going to make you cry

    But not the way you cried for me

    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha - ha, ha, ha

    Ah, I can see me now

    So cold and so alone

    As the flowers slowly die

    In my field of little bones

    Ah, I can see me now

    I can see me at the end

    Of this voyage that I'm on

    Without a love, without a friend

    Now all this that I see

    Is not what I deserve

    They really have a nerve

    To say these things to me

    No girls, just bread and water

    All your money you must save

    Or there'll be nothing left for us

    When you're dead and in your grave

    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha - HA HA!

  5. I loved the book... then again, you may have had a poor translation - there are two translastiors of Haruki Murakami's writing, and the difference between the two is quite disconcerting...

  6. Of course most of those bands are in Europe most of the time, so there'll be less chance of catching them live! Saw Thee Machine Gun Elephant at The 100 Club years back - they were awesome. Some of my fave bands are Japanese - the aforementioned, Polysics, Pizzicato 5, Melt Banana, Cornelius... plus my favourite author, Haruki Murakami. There must be a word for it, it's so common... Japanophile? Nipponophile?

  7. i guess i'm alone on this one then

    i hate his lame 'rock on' devil horns. sad cunt.

    You certainly aren't. All of Planet Boo is behind you. That Friday night programme he did was unwatchable - his act seems to be 'if it's not funny, say it louder' and that irritating twat with him's was 'if it's not funny, make it gayer'. It's like two Big Brother contestants broke into a studio.

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