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Posts posted by StewCat

  1. amish.jpg


    Scott Lycn - Local Alt/anti/country Acoustic God.

    ***************** 17 out of 10 stars - StewCat Review (cheak feedback page)

    "Better Than Dylan" - Zoghurt Fanzine

    "i really like it" - Alan Cynic

    "Delawair are the best in the world ever!" - most people who have heard delawair


    Holy Folks

    Aberdeen Antifolk/Alternative Acoustic Band

    "These guys are a refreshing blend of catchy melodies and folk with the occasional Camie photo thrown in for good measure!" - Rachel McLennan Review


    hope to see you there!




  2. i enjoyed dufus for the most part, but i think the wierd intro was a bit pretentious. wierd for the sake of being wierd.

    so untrue bennyboy!

    they are FAR FAR FAR from pretentious...they were down right wierdos :up:(and without getting into an arguement - i think tears of grace are really pretentious) Really nice guys too...they gave me lots of free stuff and i gave them a bunch of local bands cds to their agent. They loved aberdeen and will be back in the future!

    They are the most interesting band ive heard in years!

    and i dont really know about Adam looking like frank turner ... i mean Frank has no disfugurements or warts :finger:

  3. obviously aint seen holy folks after a few drinks

    Thats right..after a couple of drinks we'll fuck you up real good! bulletintheheadthenstickourcocksinthebullethole style

    Zoghurt should sell their secret to all the shitey 'promo groups' kicking about.

    there is no secret!

    good bands & lots of hard work!

    oh..and people willing to support their scene on a cold Monday night.

    Myself and gavin are so pleased with everyone who has supported zoghurt and come to see the nights we organise.

    see you at the next one?

  4. the Dufus guys and gal have just left Aberdeen. :down: wanted them to stay forever. What a good laugh we had! and they were so impressed with Aberdeen - they didnt know what to expect but they heard good things about us lot! They are on route to Glasgow now! Hope they have fun on the rest of their UK/Europe tour.

    Next time them make it over this part of the world they will make a return to the tunnels.

    Photos of all the acts will be posted up as soon as my flatmate puts them on my computer!

  5. yup, amazing night, busy as fuck, Dufus were fucking A.

    Zoghurt=best promoter in aberdeen

    too kind!

    twas an amazing show.

    FatRB's SHOULD win best fudge live act but im sure they will give it to some poncey two-bit shitcore band...those boys entertain..ZOGHURTS FINEST!

    Dufus love Aberdeen/the tunnels - they are such nice guys and an excelent band...tight, fun, just FUCKING GOOD!

    Frank Turner is just such a nice bloke...from the minute i met him off the train till he hugged me goodbye.

    most of all - thansk to everyone who came...its you that made it such a good night

  6. What actually happened to the first dude that got power drilled?

    I missed his death?

    the dude who drilled him (sounds like a gay porno) cut his throat in from of a mirror.

    then later in the film he is on the table getting cut up by that butcher guy as his mate watches from a trolly.

    i dunno - i enjoyed it a wee bit but is just another bastardised hollywood wankfest - didnt live up to the hype.

  7. any chance of getting an online book club on the go within this forum. reading is a great hobby of mine but its something that i need an incentive most of the time to do, otherwise i just forget about it and sit and stew in front of the t.v or pc.

    any interest?

    you know how i know your gay? because you like reading! rofl!

  8. Met scott lycn for the first time at the MA's open mic...from seeing him in passing and catching the back end of delawair sets/half listening to myspace mp3s...yadda yadda - i just thought he was a really nice guy and a very talented songwriter - it goes much deeper than that!

    The man was nice enough to give me a CD (if you're reading this - i owe you some holy folks cds and a zoghurt comp) so i took a sit down - with all attention on this cd: so here it is!:

    The DELAWAIR review

    Delawair: Recordings 2001-6 Vol.1

    Tracks: 16

    Price: 5 (is worth 20)

    Fist of all i must state - im gonna split this review into two parts: the music and the Physical cd itself.

    I own number 53 of this cd. Everything about this case/cd is handmade - from the hand writtem track list down to the piece of string tied round it. Put it this way:

    • The Artwork is hand drawn
    • All text is hand written (even the album name on the cd case spine)
    • Its made of heavy duty brown paper
    • It opens out like a book
    • Has a wee card with all the information about the cd on it (handwritten)
    • Stapled round the side and tied shut with string

    Its a work of art - i can imagen Scott watching telling and churning 4 or 5 of these a night. So well made and a really good idea - ok - you might be saying to yourself "EH - BUT I KEN SHITELOADS'O'BANDS THAT MAK'THEIR A'EN CD CASES"....as do i - but i'd like to see another local band match the quality of this record.

    I give the cd as a whole 7 out of 10 - (thats without listening to it.) Read on to find out the final result.

    So - as i said to Scott, id say what i think and be as harsh as i can. The CD is Next to Flawless!

    I dunno your influences but i sence from the cd: Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, Major Matt Mason USA/Schwervon!, Jeff Lewis, Cat Power, Joe Jackson, Brian Piltin, Ben Folds, Neutral Milk Hotel...i also sence a hint of early 'indy', 'emo', 'acoustic grunge'(thats right, 'acoustic grunge')....

    Every Song is strong - so strong. There are also all sorts of sing along bits in every song i can see myself shouting out when im drunk in the tunnels sometime soon!

    Its lo-fi yet so engaging...I can imagen if this record were to go pop - mums would buy this...dont let that put you off - its just another way of saying its a record for everyone! Even my granny would like it, i can hear her now..."AYE, its got a nice tune, an'a can hear fit he's sayin', nae like'at mtv".

    im so....SPEECHLESS as the quality of the songwriting. I really cant stress that enough.

    Tracks to listen out for:

    All of them! but here are three i chose at random.

    Track 1 - Dont Let me Grow Cold

    Spooky 'marching down to the tavern' guitar (always a good opener for a cd) - haunting, slight reverb on the vocals. hmm - i wish i wrote this song.

    Track 8 - Big Ideas

    Right that it...This couldnt be written by a local artist ..*checks cd case* nope - its a Delawair song. To sum it up in short - this is the song Damien Rice wish he wrote. Its got very interesting words (buy this cd - im not telling you what they are)...and this is the best chorus ive heard since....well...a long time. The harmonys are nothing i haven heard in other songs but it sends shivers down my spine, i have goosebumps and my heart feels strange - im addicted.

    Track 11 - Lost & Found

    Bouncy, Country/folk/ pop rocky tune. I wanna hear/see this live - and i wanna dance with my girlfriend. Then smooch her. Anyway. i cant say anymore...its too good! Hear for yourself.

    I have only found two things wrong with this record - the vocals 'POP' on Track 6 (Lullaby) and im gelouse of your talent - FUCK YOU!

    10/10 - making it a grand total of 17 out of 10 - i'm still waiting to review a shit cd/demo!

    if anyone has anything to add - please do.



  9. 0. Strong Like Ox - an 'aberdeen' band or not? Same question: what about The Needles?

    both aberdeen bands,yes?

    2. are The Amy Sawyers Band 'indie' do you reckon? and is Amber better?

    Amy Sawyers is amazing! has to be nominated!

    3. should Eddison get a nomination? anyone digging their new album? or would you prefer Hookers Green No.1 got a mention?

    Hookers Green - nice guys and the music makes me wet!

    4. i have four definite nominations in my head for MOST METAL OF METAL. so i need to pick one from Element 106, Statue Of Misery, Black Matter... maybe Spike Pile Driver? Dear John? Double Jack? dunno

    Element 106 or Statue of Misery - dunno if that helps..?

    is We shall Be Blessed in your list?

    5. who would you rather go see? 10 Easy Wishes or 5 Finger Discount? Or could we call Fiction/Action a 'punk' band and pick them instead?

    i'd pick 10EW!

    6. Strong Like Ox - better than Samurai Fury?

    No Opinion

    7. have the Holy Folks been playing together longer than a year?


    8. do Clearer The Sky deserve as mention as BEST NEWCOMERS?

    i dunno - i can think of many others who deserve it ahead of them

    9. are Edgar Prais better than Right Hand Left live in the flesh, as it were? or would you rather go see Radio Lucifer, Deadloss Superstar, The Upstarts or Onion Terror?

    for live show - its Onion Terror hands down!!

  10. 7. have the Holy Folks been playing together longer than a year?


    think you'll find the awnser is YES!!!


    we played the tunnels on the 28th september 2005 with Catnips, Pussy Cat fetish and Fluffy and the rainbow bunnys.

    AND me and matt have been wrritting songs since early 2005.

    7. have the Holy Folks been playing together longer than a year?

    They never started properly until this year.


    We had 8 gigs between September & December 2005 - one of which we supported Aberfeldy (December 28th 2005)!!

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