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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/2009 in Posts

  1. My god i`m just discovering this afternoon how good tool are!. After a long time of ignoring them (minus a few songs), im sitting wondering why to fuck ive never gave them time before. My got they are great!! Just thought i would share this. X)X)
    1 point
  2. I am looking forward to seeing ETID at the tunnels, perfect small intimate venue, but i am not a fan of the support acts. Glass Wolves are ok, but I have never been impressed by All Stations Down. I feel there are better local bands out there than All Stations Down that could support what shall be one of the best gigs Aberdeen has seen. This of course is my personal opinion and it will not put me off attending this gig, you never know I may walk away from the gig liking both support bands, I am always open to giving all local bands a few trys. I am not trying to start an online debate about local bands blah blah just surprised at the choice of local bands, and before anyone says "your just jealous Jay that your band hasnt been asked", we aint good enough to support such a big band as ETID and we know it.
    1 point
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