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Everything Else Sucks 'Circa 2008' Party @ Origin Saturday 9th April

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Everything Else Sucks

'Circa 2008' Party

DJAMBA (Everything Else Sucks/Hush Hush)

EEZMA (Everything Else Sucks

...KRAZZY MARTIN (Everything Else Sucks)

Saturday 9th April

Origin, 40-42 Windmill Brae, Aberdeen

11pm - 3am

5 all night

Nowadays there seems to be a new club night launching or having a relaunch party every week in Aberdeen.

Some promoters are putting on nights because they have a genuine passion for the local scene and the music their night offers. Some like money and will create a 'unique' club night exprience to make as many pennies and lady friends as possible. Sometimes these kinds of promoters do create an interesting night and for that reason we respect them cause they are adding to the scene. Most though are just tricking people and doing nothing but damage. No need to name and shame the bad ones or credit the good ones, cause in due time the shit nights will fade away but the real promoters will still be run nights cause they have a real passion for Aberdeen's nightlife and a real passion for good quality music.

Back in October 2008 we ran our first night in the Tunnels and hosted parties there for 6 months. These party were so much fun, even with the shit sound system, no equipment and no smoke machine.

Djamba and Eezma have been with us since the begin, threw thick and thin, playing amazing parties with top class guests from all round the world and also playing to a near empty club.

We're not gonna offer any bullshit gimmicks or wanky nonsense, just the best quality house, electro and techno music from now and also then(2008 ees party era).

Thanks for reading our rant. We hope we offended some people and we really do hope some of you understand and keep supporting Everything Else Sucks.








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