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Michelle Jamieson

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Status Updates posted by Michelle Jamieson

  1. Texting everyone you know just for a bottle of coke. Save me.
  2. If anyone out there wants to get me a Christmas present and is stuck for ideas.. https://t.co/IVqViHUgWu
  3. Started unpacking, already through like two boxes! Yaaaaay!
  4. Oops, looks like I dyed my hair again .✌ https://t.co/uvRhpe0lib
  5. Need to find myself food. #StarvinMarvin
  6. Made pasta for myself, I made toast with cheese and ham while that was cooking, and had crisps while my toast was in. Fat life. >>>
  7. Only just realised that I seem to have a thing for blue eyes. Hmm.
  8. So relived to actually have two days off in a row!
  9. I really want this essay to pass first time, I don't think I can talk about the music industry any more..
  10. May have just made the worst small error of my whole life.
  11. Also now got a bad obsession with the game Neko Atsume.. What has Pip done to me?
  12. @McKenedyBerwash THIS IS YOUR FAULT!
  13. Excuse me what sorry? N. o. p. e. https://t.co/0LqHMSaRL4
  14. RT @tbhjuststop: *mad af at my boyfriend and not speaking to him* him: so... want something to eat? me: https://t.co/LJeghuoj8c
  15. RT @tinatbh: the thicker ur thighs are the more snacks you can lay on your lap
  16. RT @tbhjuststop: such a struggle having a sassy mouth but being hella sensitive at the same time
  17. I swapped shifts at work so that I can have Valentine's off, even though I know me and Brodie will spend the day inside eating fish fingers.
  18. @Pinkyy_x sweet! Is our zoo date not this year too?!
  19. @Pinkyy_x fuck it, both? Ahaha
  20. Getting up and ready to be in college for 8:30 to find out some prick has stole your fucking timps. Aye, sound made. ._.
  21. I made so much food holy fuck
  23. RT @tbhjuststop: *wants to travel the world but has $1.76*
  24. Practice at 8:30am Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday next week. Swear my lecturer is trying to kill me. #WotUDoinLen?
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