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Posts posted by MicMorrisUK

  1. So I figured with the upcoming Scottish Battle League in Aberdeen this year a post should be made for any local rappers and producers out there that want to collaborate and swap ideas or even just to promote your music. Please pop your links below and give us a little description about yourself: i.e. soundcloud, reverbernation, youtube etcetc. Lets keep it good and positive, whether you are considered good or just up and coming or even just fancy starting it get everyone involved. Cheers.



    Can you please answer this quick questionnaire if possible, it is for a friend at University learning platforms and the social media musicians use today. Is really much appreciated. It only takes a minute or two and would really help a lot folks.

    Regardless of how talented you are or what genre you are or how many there are, you are welcome to fill it in also.

    thank you :)


  3. Something unintelligible about "little faggots" doing something with your sack? when you turn your back? (I've listened 4 times and that's all I've got)  Backs to the wall, men, be on your guard - there's a poof on the loose!




    I'm not a homophobe.


    Between that and your impressive knowledge of leather paraphernalia am I the only one getting mixed messages here?  Something's not tallying up, chief.


    Good on you mate, well done for pointing out the obvious that I'm clearly having a laugh at my mate saying he's gay and what not. but seriously I have to explain twice? It was unintentionally homophobic and you clearly didn't get the lyrics nor did you get them right but hey if your offended then sorry but get over it. Cheer up, if you don't like the tracks then why go out your way to just be a negative guy! Get off the whole nanny state bandwagon and just ease up a bit, I purely asked if anyone was interested to check out my tracks as I'm just starting off, hardly professional, but seeing as you have hit the replay button 4 times as you said then thank you, its appreciated. Cant be too bad.

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