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Posts posted by TeePlease

  1. Back on topic, we should definitely get more local bands playing garage.

    Agree. Definitely. But what local bands have a big enough following to draw a decent crowd inside the place? I see enough local bands struggling to get 50 people into Drummonds as it is, never mind trying to get 500 people into a massive space.

    Garage will be a good venue for touring bands of a certain size, but I can't see them putting on many local gigs. Unless we're talking one-off dead certs...showcase type events.

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  2. Yeah the city's badly missed somewhere that size for gigs. Peter Hook's a good name to get up, and Glasvegas will draw a crowd I guess.

    I think the student shite will be a pretty big part of the club though. Not sure it'll die down. Isn't Campus in Glasgow famous for getting all the X Factor pish contestants in once they've been voted off etc etc. I think Fridays are the closest it'll get to having an indie/rock night.

    It'll never be Moshulu but at least it's good to see the space being used again. And to see the place busy.

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