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in my house

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Posts posted by in my house

  1. And there is the factor of different forces also. The met, borders, strathclyde. saying that because one is racist they all are would be the same as saying that because a member of an ethnic minority didn't get in to one nightclub, all nightclubs are racist.

    And i'm not saying for a minute either that The met are racist. Individuals are and the massive amount that are not racist get tarred with the same brush as the perpetrator of an isolated incident.

  2. Hey everyone, hows it going?

    Just wanted to introduce myself before I proper start posting.

    From Elgin originally but just recently moved through to Aberdeen for work. Used to DJ and run a reasonably successful night in the Moray and Inverness area alongside 2 other DJs, one of which is playing at the continental frequency night at Tunnels soon.

    Don't do gigs anymore but still mix whenever i get the chance.

    so just to introduce myself here is a wee mix I recorded recently.


    Cheers guys ;)

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