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Posts posted by TomJ819

  1. I don't understand either, I have been reprimanded in a private message and I shall no longer be using aberdeen-music.com for promotion of my website and the bands I represent - which is ALL bands in Aberdeen and the Northeast. Contrary to various rumours about me, I do not favour my band or my mates bands. I make it quite public that anyone can email me and contribute to my site.

    It's a shame because I think we should all be working together and I'm more than happy to have a weekly article on AberdeenBands.com with the top trending topics from aberdeen-music.com linking my readers to aberdeen-music.com on a regular basis. I have no beef against aberdeen-music.com, I don't want to compete with them, I don't want to take any of the a-m.com users ... all I want to do is promote local music.

    I use aberdeen-music.com as a platform to spread my message to music fans in Aberdeen because I feel aberdeen-music.com have a great place in the music scene and a massive following... surely this is a compliment to aberdeen-music.com

    It's a massive shame and I shall continue to promote local bands without using aberdeen-music.com.

  2. Sorry Chris, how is this spam? Just like aberdeen-music.com I'm passionate about helping out local bands which is why I've started this discussion in the 'Music Discussion' section.

    I don't run a commercial business so I'm not benefiting financially from this, all money made at Stage 81 goes back to the bands after venue costs.

    Is aberdeen-music.com not about bringing together the music community of Aberdeen rather than accusing their users of spamming?

    • Upvote 1
  3. Good point about there being some interesting new groups in Aberdeen you haven't heard of yet, keep an eye out on the Aberdeen Bands website - when we launch the band profiles next month you'll be able to do a search for local bands in Aberdeen by genre.. who's knows what you'll fine.

    As a side note here (before I get a barrage of comments about 'genre') I fully appreciate that a lot of bands don't like to labelled under a specific genre, however it's the only way we can set up such a search function on the website... if bands refuse to give themselves a genre, they will remain unfound :-)

  4. Bears Can Smell Fear: http://www.facebook.com/bearscansmellfear contact for gigs: tom@abzmusic.com

    Local up and coming indie band - also looking for a new vocalist!

    ALSO: www.aberdeenbands.com will be launching band profiles next month so if you're in a band a want a page on the site, get in touch. More info on how to set up a profile page here: http://www.aberdeenbands.com/?p=726

    Any questions, email me tom@abzmusic.com

  5. Cheers for that Jan, all good bands, especially Katerwaul :-)

    I wasn't actually after contact details, we have a database of over 150 bands and solo artists in Aberdeen and that will be going live on the website in February. I was just asking peoples' views on bands they'd like to see play at our Stage 81 events.

    Are you in a band Jan? If so do we have your bio details for the Aberdeen Bands website? More info here: http://www.aberdeenbands.com/?p=726

  6. I left these boards almost 8 years ago, and now I'm back.

    What happened to all the bands and musicians that were on the go back then, our scene just died.

    I have kept playing in bands and going to shows, but it was like one night our city was raped of our scene.

    I remember all the awesome halloween shows and christmas shows, all the parties we would have.

    Has everyone grown up, and forgot who they are?


    I'd just like to say that the music scene in Aberdeen is still very much alive, you just need to know where to look.

    Aside from aberdeen-music.com, which has been a great tool for the Aberdeen music scene for a long time and will continue to be, the Aberdeen Bands project has taken off in the past six months and was founded to help all local musicians and bands get more coverage in the area.

    There are so many cliques and 'scenes' in Aberdeen which is great! Not everyone is going to like all of the bands in Aberdeens, the articles that are on the site or even the shows we put on. However, the Aberdeen Bands project will give every single clique and scene a chance to spread their word.

    If you're in a band and want an article/interview/spotlight written about you, just drop me an email, I don't favour anyone over anyone else.

    Check out this site, it's early days but eventually 99% of bands in Aberdeen and the Northeast will get a full profile.



    • Upvote 2
  7. Title says it all really...

    Looking to get involved in new project or band.

    Types of music range from funky upbeat pop to indie/rock.. wide range of influences include:

    Ash, Eels, Pavement, Blur, Metallica (their bluesy stuff), Empire of the Sun, Feeder, Jamie T, Moby, MGMT, list goes on...

    Get in touch if interested! I'm based in Aberdeen City Centre


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