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Posts posted by esstee

  1. Any help for someone in the U.S. who would love to have these?

    Hi, I live in the U.S. (sunny San Diego) and heard about these compilations last year from their play time on WFMU. Been dying to get a copy (I love alternative holiday music -- strange obsession, I know). Is there any way that someone can send me a copy of this year's Kilau compilation as well as, for my *perfect* holiday, the ones from previous years or this year's "best of" comp of the past years? Even a copy or set of high bit-rate MP3s will do if the physical copies are all gone. Happy to send PayPal $$$ to anyone to cover time, postage and my gratitude -- even happy to pay 3x what each one costs you lucky Aberdeenians. Just would hope that the money can make it back to Kilau and the bands, or a good local cause. And also happy to pass my copies along to Jon Solomon at WPRB who does a very well-followed 24-hour Christmas music marathon show (give it a listen on Christmas Eve!) and would hope that he would select some tracks to give some airtime.

    Can anyone share some of this holiday love with me?

    Merry Christmas to all!


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