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Posts posted by Neil_D

  1. Hey Guys

    I'd just like to point out before I start that I am the second chef at "yorokobi by cj" and my views may seem biased but I'm proud of my job and the food we serve. So ill leave it up to you guys to desided for yourself what you think is the best sushi to have.

    I'm not going to bring down any other Sushi places in this post and i wish them all the best.

    First off Id like to thank the customers that supported us back in the market at "Chef Jangs" It's good to see a lot of you guys in the new place and your continued support is a great blessing to us.

    Id like to add that this is are first time opening a restaurant and for the first month or two we mixed about with the menu and the prices trying to fined the right balance which we believe we have now. i am sorry if this has cause any unhappiness to any customers so far.

    We have also got a takeaway menu now along the same lines (And Price) of the menu of the old shop

    The takeaway menus and sit in menus can be found on are website Yorokobi

    I'm happy to reply to any questions you might have or feel free to pop in the restaurant are staff are happy to help

    Neil Drysdale

    Second Chef at yorokobi by cj

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