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Posts posted by Loudy

  1. Names Kris Nicol, 19, I have a huge passion for music and would love to pursue a career in the industry. I listen to a variety of different genres and have a vast vocal range. I enjoy singing genres such as Indie, bands along the lines of Paulo Nutini and Snow Patrol. My main passion though, is country, artists such as Lonestar and Keith Urban. There is not a big gap in the market for this but I would like to find someone with similar music taste. I would originally like to try some covers and hopefully progress to some of my own material in the future.

    I was hoping to gain the support of some artists with a similar love of music.

    Looking for a guitarist, bassist, drummer and a keyboardist/pianist in and around the Aberdeen area.

    Please contact me on either,




  2. Kris Nicol, one of my mates has asked me if i would try and arrange a gig for him.

    A small supporting slot or a bigger slot

    He is a solo artist, singing a wide range of music

    He does not have accompaniment yet, and would be singing to a backing track

    He has previously sung in a band originally named Another Shout but later known as Profusion.

    He just needs a little helping hand to help him follow his one true passion, any help would be appreciated.

    Get in touch with me by contacting



    Lauren Anderson

  3. Tunnels Gig

    Are you still looking for singers to play at the gig on the 30th

    i hav a friend who is interested

    it would be his first slot as a solo artist, he has played in a band originally called Another Shout but later known as Profusion.

    He will sing most kinds of music but sways towards indie and modern country music.

    At the moment he would jsut be singing to backing music as it is short notice to arrange a band to accompany him.

    Email me on x.___lauren@hotmail.co.uk with any news regarding this issue

    Sorry he has jsut informed me that he is away on holiday from he 29th August. But if you are planning anything along the same lines again i would love to hear from you

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